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Monday, December 9, 2019

Starlight Has No Past - Chapter 46 Part 4

Translated by Team DHH at

Starlight Has No Past
Chapter 46 Part 4

That night, Ye Qiao’s cold worsened. Despite having a 38.5C (101.3F) fever, Ye Qiao refused to go to the hospital.
They slept on the two sides of the big bed, each rolled up inside a blanket. In the middle of the night, head clouded by fever, Ye Qiao subconsciously drew closer to Zhou Tingsheng mumbling something all the while.

Zhou Tingsheng got up to turn on the light that was only strong enough to illuminate a small portion of the large room.
Ye Qiao woke up as well but started to have a splitting headache. She opened her mouth, though wasn’t particularly conscious of what she was saying: “......I haven’t apologized to her.”

She wasn’t really as calm and indifferent as she acted, the past still bothered her in her dreams.
Zhou Tingsheng lightly made a sound in reply. Then he held her tightly.
Her voice was tranquil but deep: “She likes you. Can’t you tell?”
Zhou Tingsheng cast his eyes down and replied after a long moment of silence: “......I can tell.”

That was the reason why he seldom went to visit her in the last two years. He thought maybe the distance would wear down her immature affections.
Ye Qiao felt like crying but she didn’t let the tears fall: “I feel guilty. But she likes you, so I didn’t apologize to her.”
Her voice grew hoarse. “Apologizing is a very sincere act. If I’m not willing to give everything to make it up to her, then that apology would be just for show.”
The tears she had been holding back began to flow like tidal waves which inundated her.

Ye Qiao tightly bit her lower lip, her voice was now almost inaudible. “Zhou Tingsheng, I really want to apologize to her.”
He tightly circled his arms around her. Her body was so hot that he felt like a cold blooded animal. If he hadn’t been so cocky in the past, today would have never happened. Everything was a consequence of his past sins. No matter who came to point fingers at him, he would readily admit it. However, she was the only one who aimed the origin of the sin at herself, giving him an invisible shield.

Ye Qiao seemed to have cried all the tears built up from the past ten years in these two days. The guilt she had only seen in her dreams was now right in front of her and it felt heavier than she had expected. Yet she was greedier than she thought she was. Ye Qiao kept going in and out of dreams. They began to grow darker.  Ghosts from hell came asking why she was still alive when she should’ve died a decade ago. Ruan Feiyan’s voice mixed with the ghosts. “You’ve already taken away my mom, why do you have to fight with me for him?”
It seemed that being alive was her greatest mistake.

By the next day, the high fever had somewhat incapacitated Ye Qiao.
Zhou Tingsheng called Qianxi over to help take care of Ye Qiao. Qianxi came with a doctor who gave Ye Qiao an intravenous drip.

Qianxi anxiously stayed at her cousin’s side, worried that Ye Qiao hadn’t come around. “She’s burning hot. If she doesn’t come to, we have to take her to the hospital.”
“She won’t go.” Zhou Tingsheng had tried many times, but Ye Qiao somehow found the unusual strength whenever he tried to move her.

“My cousin has always been fragile. What if the fever continues……” Qianxi tried the traditional method by applying cold towels on Ye Qiao’s forehead and worriedly said: “My cousin’s father fell ill not too long ago. I heard that he was coming to see her, but had a heart attack right before boarding the plane. The people at the airport sent him to the hospital. He hasn’t been well since. The genes in her family are really bad!”
Zhou Tingsheng gestured to Qianxi to stop while they were still at Ye Qiao’s bedside.
Qianxi scratched her hair and said: “Maybe I should just take leave from work and stay here with her. If there’s anything wrong with my cousin, my dad would want my head for sure!”

Translated by Team DHH at


  1. She's so fragile in everyway now. ZTS and her they need each other to forgive themselves and move on because guilt will always be there but it shouldn't override their happiness.
    Thank you translator sama
