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Thursday, July 25, 2019

Those Sweet Times - Chapter 47 Part 2

Translated by Team DHH at

Those Sweet Times
Chapter 47 Part 2

With Lin Chuyan playing a game next to her, Xiang Nuan had lost all interest in her math problems. She would periodically check his progress and sighed with regret when he died.

Shen Zemu couldn’t stand it anymore. He didn’t know whether it was his own misconceptions, but he truly felt that whenever Lin Chuyan was around Xiang Nuan, she didn’t act her normal.

He wanted to remind Xiang Nuan to concentrate on her studies. But before he opened his mouth, the longing look on her face amused him and hit the soft spot in his heart.

Shen Zemu switched his phone to silent mode, logged on to the game page, and handed the phone to Xiang Nuan: “Go play.”

Xiang Nuan was too embarrassed to take the phone.

Shen Zemu: “Only one match.”

“Thank you, Xuezhang!” Xiang Nuan hurriedly grabbed the phone.

Lin Chuyan: “Xiang Nuan, don’t play yet. I’m almost finished with this match. Let’s play duos for the next one.

Xiang Nuan: “Alright.”

Shen Zemu…...really regretted being soft-hearted.

Lin Chuyan finished the match in no time and formed a team with Xiang Nuan. He noticed that Oblivion was online as well and asked him to join the team.

Xiang Nuan thought, with a skilled player like Oblivion on board, they could win this match easily!

But the match didn’t go as she had anticipated.

During the match, all three of them played rather lacklusterly. One of the reasons was because Xiang Nuan, with Oblivion on her side, had chosen a champion which was very pretty but she was unfamiliar with. The other reason was because Oblivion was playing Luna rather poorly, committing numerous mistakes when moving and reacting very slowly.

They lost the match in the end. Xiang Nuan was disappointed and sulkily returned the phone to Shen Zemu. She really wanted to play one more match.

Shen Zemu however was unwavering, one match was one match.

Xiang Nuan thought about how Oblivion was acting so strangely today and leaned over to talk to Lin Chuyan about it. Lin Chuyan pulled his earbuds out and got closer to listen to her.

Xiang Nuan: “That Luna couldn’t be the real Oblivion. Do you think that’s his girlfriend?”

“No, Oblivion doesn’t have a girlfriend.” Lin Chuyan replied.

Xiang Nuan thought Lin Chuyan seemed to know a bit too much about Oblivion……

Lin Chuyan turned his face sideways to whisper in her ear: “Oblivion has frostbite on his hands. That’s why he moved so slowly.”

Xiang Nuan understood: “No wonder……” Then she shook her head and looked at Lin Chuyan in surprise: “How do you know about this?”

“He said so himself.”

“Why hasn’t he told me.” Xiang Nuan was feeling a little sad, she was the one who knew Oblivion first.

“You haven’t been on the game for several days. How could he tell you.”

Xiang Nuan accepted it since it was true.

As they spoke, Lin Chuyan got a WeChat notification on his cell phone. With her keen eyes, Xiang Nuan noticed that the message was from Oblivion. She asked with some bitterness: “What did Oblivion say to you?”

Lin Chuyan tapped the notification and found a voice message.

Oblivion was slow at typing, thus his messages were usually voice recordings. But when they were playing games, he wouldn’t get on a voice chat since his cell phone didn’t have enough memory to play the game and maintain the voice chat.

Lin Chuyan put one of the earbuds into Xiang Nuan’s ear. As he did so, his fingertips touched her skin.

He suppressed the tingling sensation in his heart and clicked on the voice message.

Xiang Nuan got to hear Oblivion’s voice. It was deep and full, yet his tone of speech was a little bashful: “Chuyan, the frostbite cream you recommended is very effective. Thanks.”

Lin Chuyan replied to Oblivion under Xiang Nuan’s surprised gaze: You’re welcome.

Oblivion: “What are you doing now?”

Lin Chuyan: I’m at the study room. Have a final tomorrow.

Oblivion: “Then go study. I’m going to sleep now. I have to work tomorrow.”

Lin Chuyan: Alright.

Translated by Team DHH at


  1. Playing while studying, hmmmm. LC, you will drag XN's grades down.

  2. lol ey LC is so strange... He can become friends with so many people. So weird.
    Many thanks

  3. He becomes friends with anyone who looks like his love rival.
