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Wednesday, May 1, 2019

You're Beautiful When You Smile - Chapter 55 Part 1

Translated by Team DHH at

You’re Beautiful When You Smile
Chapter 55 Part 1

The following conversation was in Korean. [Kun: Cheng Ge QAQ] [fhdjwhdb2333: ?] [Kun: Is this true? Your team’s mid is actually your woman?] [Kun: You’ve moved in too quickly!] [Kun: I thought you weren’t that kind of person.] [fhdjwhdb2333: Do I have to prove it to you? Even if she isn’t now, she will be in
the future. Even if I’ve just taken a liking to her and prepared to pursue her, isn’t
it the same thing as being my woman? Surely you don’t think you can still chase
after her even if she isn’t mine yet?] [Kun: Waah QAQ, don’t be so mean. You don’t have to be like this if you just want
to protect your teammate…...I’ll be really nice to her! She’s so cute, I want to hold
her in my palms and cherish her!] [fhdjwhdb2333: Shut up, brat. No matter how cute she is, she is my woman.] [fhdjwhdb2333: Don’t you think I don’t know your record Hengshuo. Back in Korea
you’ve broken the hearts of many girls-- --Whenever I was drinking with Junhe, he
would talk about all of your affairs and every time, it’s a different girl.] [Kun: It’s different this time. Really, it’s different! QAQ If we get together,
I’ll announce to the whole world that we’re together. I’ll even post it on Facebook!
Then even the fans in Korea will know about it! Everyone will be monitoring me,
what else can I do! I beg you, like a man begging to his father-in-law! Please!]
[fhdjwhdb2333: No.] [fhdjwhdb2333: It’s not your turn in terms of who meets her first brat.
Save yourself the trouble.]
After sending out the last sentence of his sharp rebuff, Lu Sicheng set down his
cell phone despite the fact that it was still ringing. The champion he picked for
the match had spawned at the spring already, he started to purchase items. The screen on his cell phone kept flashing, indicating there were more new
WeChat messages-- -- [Kun: Don’t you believe in love at first sight? She’s so cute when she was
muttering during the game. I wanted to live at mid and give her all the kills
in the world……] [Kun: That’s why I stayed at mid during the second match. Kekekeke.] [Kun: Cheng Ge, say something QAQ] [Kun: Cheng Ge, why do you ignore me!] [Kun: Please agree to it! I just like a girl like that! I feel like I have finally met
the one I am fated to meet!]
[Kun: I’ll really treat her well!] [Kun: What should I do to make you believe me?] [Kun: Then how about I go beat up Mintai (Ah Tai, TAT’s mid)?] Li Hengshuo was still clingy like a spoiled child as if he wouldn’t stop until he
earned Lu Sicheng’s approval…...Lu Sicheng didn’t pay much attention to him;
he would only take a peek at the messages from time to time. When he saw
Li Hengshuo mention the grudge between Tong Yao and Ah Tai and expressed
Li’s willingness to fight against his former teammate, Lu Sicheng only wanted
to roll his eyes…...Lu Sicheng’s match had started, he simply threw the phone
to the side and let Li Hengshuo entertain himself. Lu Sicheng was focusing on his game, farming with his support, when his
phone lighted up once again, among all the new messages a new id had
showed up----- [Luoluo: I heard that you're competing this Sunday. I’ve bought a ticket to
see you, the expensive one in the front row! I’ve also found someone willing
to take me backstage. Let’s have dinner after your game?] Lu Sicheng: “......” Lu Sicheng: “Lu Yue.” “What?” Lu Yue was on Tong Yao’s chair playing a game while biting the tip
of his tongue. He didn’t even lift his head up: “Don’t talk to me. I have to win
this match. If I go down from Master, that shorty might change the password
for her account tomorrow!” Lu Sicheng: “......” Lu Sicheng reached over and unplugged Lu Yue’s mouse. Amidst Lu Yue’s
gasp, Lu Sicheng slapped his cell phone right in front of Lu Yue: “What’s
going on with this woman?”
Lu Yue fussed with the wires to reconnect his mouse. He came out under the
desk to take a look at Lu Sicheng’s phone and asked in confusion: “Which woman?” Lu Sicheng checked his phone and noticed that Huawei jungler had sent new
messages. He pursed his lips and opened his WeChat page to look for that
Luoluo id, then put down the phone again: “This one.” Lu Yue: “She’s your blind date.” Lu Sicheng: “Why is she in my cell phone?” Lu Yue: “She had such a good impression on you; besides, she’s pretty, easy
going and matches your height-----” As Lu Yue was talking, he used his arms and body to protect his mouse and
keyboard. Lu Sicheng knocked on the desk with his knuckles: “If you make me repeat
my question a third time, you’ll be a dead body. Now, this is the second time:
Why is she in my cell phone?” Lu Yue: “.........................Ms. Wang said that even though you said that you
two weren’t meant for each other, that lady still wanted to give it a try and
asked for your WeChat. Ms. Wang knew for sure that you wouldn’t do it, so
she told me to-----I was forced to do it! Ms. Wang said if I don’t do it, I’d be the
next one to have a blind date!” Lu Sicheng put his phone down and gave his silly brother a slap on the back
of his head. In the middle of Lu Yue’s howling, Lu Sicheng took back his phone
and saw Kun was still at it, sending over new messages one after another-- -- [Kun: Whatever! I’m going to watch your game this weekend. There must be
some signs if you two are really together, right? If Cheng Ge is really together
with your mid, I’ll certainly back away. If not, then I won’t be shy away from
chasing her! Because I truly like her too much! I’ll just marry her first then ask
for the blessing from the father-in-law!] Lu Sicheng: “......” He grabbed the phone and was planning to reply “whatever,” when another
new message showed up on top of the screen----- [rabbit holding carrot tightly: Cheng Ge, orz, what did you say to Huawei’s jungler?
Ahhhhhh! Damn it, is this your way of helping your teammate to stop an unwanted
suitor? ! You become the suitor yourself to shove the other suitor away? ! ! ! ] Lu Sicheng: “......” What was wrong with all of them, had they made a pact to send messages all
at the same time? He stopped bothering to answer Kun and turned off his phone without a
second thought. ------Then the whole world became much quieter.

Translated by Team DHH at


  1. Ahaha.. Kin sending him messages? What did he wrote so that kun would do bluntly and repeatedly message him.. Yep.. There comes the blind date again.. Poor Tong Yao I believe she was the last one messaging him lol.. Thanks for the update

  2. I need to know what they're saying ahhhh

  3. I loved peace and quiet😁😁..thanks for the chapter😄😄...

  4. Pfft. Kun is so likeable XD thanks for the missing text!

  5. I like Kun. So both suitors will be at the game. We are going to see jealous LSC and YT at the same time

  6. Hahahahahaa I pity LSC. His rival, his suitor and his love interest all messaged him in the same time!!!!
