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Friday, March 1, 2019

You're Beautiful When You Smile - Chapter 50 Part 1

Translated by Team DHH at

You’re Beautiful When You Smile
Chapter 50 Part 1

As if being caught by Lu Sicheng when Tong Yao walked out of the men’s
restroom wasn’t bad enough, King’s Jungler Ah Guang followed Tong Yao
out, eyes still somewhat red, while Tong Yao kept her silent standoff with
Lu Sicheng-----

Ah Guang glanced at Tong Yao and sheepishly grinned at her. Then he
politely greeted Lu Sicheng: “Cheng Ge.”

Lu Sicheng calmed replied: “En.”

His eyes never moved from his team’s Mid.

Ah Guang paused a bit then turned to mouth: “Thanks, I’ll get going,” to Tong Yao
before turning to walk away…...When Ah Guang disappeared from view, Lu Sicheng’s
cell phone started to ring. It was from Xiao Rui. He picked up the phone and, before
the other end had any chance to speak, briefly said: “I found her. We’ll be over soon.”

He then hung up.

Tong Yao had a feeling that something bad was going to happen soon------

Even when Lu Sicheng was answering the phone, he never took his eyes off Tong Yao.
The way he was looking at her was like a cougar on the hunt, having fixed its eyes on its
lunch, a lamb. After he put away his phone, he surprised Tong Yao: “Did you force yourself
on the other team’s jungler in the men’s restroom and made him cry?”

He looked calm and spoke with a flat tone, but it didn’t look like he was joking at all.

Tong Yao: “? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?”

Tong Yao was very confused.

Lu Sicheng: “Then why was he looking at you that way?”

Tong Yao: “...............He was indeed inside the restroom and I was there also. He did cry
earlier, but------Even if-------How could I------Damn, can you talk like a decent human being?
I forced myself on him? ! How? Mouse or keyboard? ! ! ! ! !”

Lu Sicheng: “Then explain why he looked at you with that kind look in his eyes?”

Tong Yao: “Didn’t it look like the eyes of admiration? !”

Lu Sicheng: “That’s the look of having been tamed.”

Tong Yao: “......”

Lu Sicheng turned to walk away, Tong Yao hurriedly followed…...Lu Sicheng took over
Tong Yao’s backpack as they walked. Tong Yao was about to thank him when she heard
him coldly speak right above her head: “What’s the problem between you and junglers.
In just two matches’ time, you’ve collected both junglers from each team. Are you stamp
collecting? 2016 limited edition summer competition jungler stamps?”

Tong Yao grabbed her own backpack out of Lu Sicheng’s hand: “You shut up.”

Lu Sicheng chuckled and let go of the backpack.

They arrived at the parking lot and got on the van one after another. Tong Yao apologize
to her teammates for making them wait for such a long time. Xiao Rui stretched his head
out from his seat and asked: “What were you up to?”

Before Tong Yao could answer, Lu Sicheng already said: “Collecting stamps.”

Tong Yao flung her backpack at Lu Sicheng’s stomach, forcing him a few steps back.
Tong Yao clicked her tongue then sat down right behind Xiao Rui. Xiao Rui turned around
and told her: “Our captain came back after the interview then found out that you hadn’t
come yet. So he risked being chased by fans to go back to look for you. You didn’t answer
any phone calls we made. We thought you were being kidnapped.”

Tong Yao glanced at the back at Lu Sicheng, now sitting a couple rows behind her. He
had just took out his earbuds and was putting them into his ears. It looked like he was
planning to take a nap on the way to the restaurant…...Tong Yao stood up and leaned
forward next to the back of Xiao Rui’s seat. She whispered: “When I went to the restroom,
I happened to find King’s jungler crying inside the restroom. So I tried to comfort him…...
Those Tieba posts were too nasty to him and his team while praising us like we had
supernatural powers. I felt uncomfortable with all that.”

Translated by Team DHH at


  1. The look of being tamed lol what the heck 😅😅😅😅.

  2. Hahaha. "The look of being tamed" and "collecting stamps." Lol. Sounds like someone is jealous. Such a viper tongue.

    Thanks for the update!

  3. God almighty . Such an hilarious chapter.. He has a venomous tongue when drinking vinegar.. And I love it ❤️❤️

  4. Collecting stamps... Hahahaha
    Ow and thanks for the chapter..

  5. about collecting stamps, won't he be part of it eventually? :))

    1. he's been the only stamp worth collecting in the first place lmao they would eventually end up together sooner or later

  6. She's definitely earned another fanboy... And Cheng Ge doesn't appreciate it hahaha.
    Thanks for translating!

  7. ����Tong Yao such a good Girl... Thank for the translation����..

  8. Ah, the legendary "Drinking Vinegar, Spitting Poison" skill...

  9. I bet her acquiring so many admirers is getting to him.

  10. Tong Yao: “...............He was indeed inside the restroom and I was there also. He did cry
    earlier, but------Even if-------How could I------Damn, can you talk like a decent human being?
    I forced myself on him? ! How? Mouse or keyboard? ! !

    -I dont get that mouse or keyboard thing

    1. Those were her only weapons. And she's tiny so he could have fought her off.
