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Monday, February 25, 2019

Starlight Has No Past - Chapter 20 Part 3

Translated by Team DHH at

Starlight Has No Past
Chapter 20 Part 3

Somewhere in Yang City, Zhou Tingsheng was discussing “abducted women”
with someone as well.

Wuzi jumped up from the massage chair when he saw Zhou Tingsheng had
arrived without telling him in advance. Zhou Tinghsheng came out of the car
with a poker face. But all the young waitresses sitting in the lobby couldn’t take
their eyes off him. Wuzi rubbed his hands: “Sheng Ge, why are you here? Look
at these girls, they can’t take their eyes off from you.”

“So I can’t come here?” Zhou Tingsheng moved Ophelia and Desa from the

“Sure you can! It’s just, I just got married, I’m afraid she’ll run off with you once
she sees you!” Wuzi was glib-tongued. Then he cried out in surprise: “You even
brought a cat and the dog? Is it popular to give tattoo to pets now?”

Desa, already familiar with him, gave a friendly bark. Wuzi patted Desa’s head:
“Be good. I’ll feed you some meat later. You eat grass everyday staying with
Sheng Ge, don’t you?”

Somehow his words made Zhou Tingsheng unhappy, his expression changed.

Wuzi didn’t mind him but tried to hold the cat. The little kitten wasn’t in a good
mood and lifted its paw to scratch the stranger. Wuzi barely got away unharmed
and scolded: “Who’s cat is this! It looks like a sissy, but with a bad temper.”

Zhou Tingsheng coldly said: “That’s enough. Let’s go in and talk.”

Wuzi helped Zhou Tingsheng put away the little luggage he had.  Zhou Tingsheng
was more concerned about giving both pets water than settling down himself. There
was no utensil in Wuzi’s shop that could be used as a water dish for pets. One of the
waitresses delivered, blushing all the while, two shallow dishes which the shop used
to serve fruits to the customers. They were the perfect size for water bowls. Zhou
Tingsheng thanked the young waitress, who smiled like a blooming flower.

Wuzi complained: “You didn’t even ask me! My own staff used my stuff to please him?”

The young girls giggled. They were also very interested at the two pets. Desa looked
fierce so they stayed away from her. But they also liked the cat, everyone tried to
stroke Ophelia, making the cat quite uncomfortable.

Zhou Tingsheng watched for a while without much expression on his face, then lit up
a cigarette and said: “Leave him alone.”

His voice wasn’t loud or harsh, but his furrowed brows made all the young girls back

Wuzi clicked his tongue, thinking the girls were dissuaded too easily.

Wuzi took Zhou Tingsheng to his VIP room. The room was dark, Wuzi switched on the
light and said: “Sheng Ge, stay as long as you want. Let me know if you need anything.”  
He had known Zhou Tingsheng for 4 or 5 years and knew very well about his background.
He also knew that Zhou Tingsheng would come here only when he was upset, to distract

Zhou Tingsheng took out a red envelope to give to Wuzi: “I wasn’t here when you got
married. Here’s my belated gift.”

Wuzi took it and found it was quite thick. He wasn’t comfortable receiving such a large
sum as a gift: “It was just a marriage…...Sheng Ge, you really don’t need to do this. I
don’t know how many times I’m going to get married in this life!” He tried to belittle the
event but Zhou Tingsheng insisted.

Zhou Tingsheng asked: “Why do you need to hire so many young pretty girls in your
clubhouse? Are you doing business legally?”

“Well, it’s better to have young pretty girls as waitresses anywhere!” Wuzi looked at
Zhou Tingsheng’s face, then continued: “The business isn’t that hot lately, I……”

Zhou Tingsheng raised his hand to stop him and eyed the red envelope: “Take it.”

Wuzi took the money, a bit embarrassed, and awkwardly said: “These girls are new
recruits, I just finished training them…...Sheng Ge, you want to give it try?”

Translated by Team DHH at

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