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Saturday, February 9, 2019

Starlight Has No Past - Chapter 19 Part 1

Translated by Team DHH at

Starlight Has No Past
Chapter 19 Part 1

In the end, Ye Qiao bought a male Scottish Fold. The little kitten sitting
inside the cage looked outside with a confused expression. He didn’t know
that his life would entirely change, becoming a pet in a goddess's house.

Zhou Tingsheng took Ye Qiao to the market to buy all the necessities for
raising a kitten. He stood in front of a cat tree: “Do you want to buy one?”

“What’s this for?”

“A toy.”

Ye Qiao felt the material: “This isn’t soft enough. Can a cat become
allergic from lying on it?”

Zhou Tingsheng chuckled: “Cat’s can’t be that finicky.”

“They all said that a cat is a sensitive animal.”

Zhou Tingsheng was amused by how serious she was taking it. He
laughed and rubbed her head with his palm. He looked at her as if
she was a babbling kindergartener.

Ye Qiao tried leaning back to avoid his hand and almost bumped into
the customer behind her. Zhou Tingsheng circled her waist and pulled
her against his shoulder and apologized: “So sorry.”

The customer gave them a suspicious look and accepted, then slowly
moved on while turning his head from time to time to check.

Ye Qiao hit Zhou Tingsheng’s shoulder: “What if he recognized me?”

Zhou Tingsheng gave a shameless response: “Why do I feel like he
was looking at me? You didn’t even show your face, don’t worry.”

Ye Qiao reluctantly accepted. She directed him to push the shopping
cart forward. As Zhou Tingsheng scanned the merchandise on the
shelves, he asked: “What do you plan to call the cat?”

“I don’t know yet.” Ye Qiao thought about it then asked him: “How did
you come up with Desa’s name?”

Zhou Tingsheng’s answer wasn’t helpful at all: “Desa is a military dog,
they give each military dog a name.”

“Is there any rule when they pick a name?”

“The main thing is that the name has to be two syllabus so it’s easy for
the dog to understand and it has to be distinctive so there’s no confusion
between the dogs.”

Ye Qiao thought it was rather uninteresting: “Can you name the dog

“We can give them nicknames.” Zhou Tingsheng recalled: “We even had
a file for all the military dogs at the time. The file listed all the names,
nicknames, and their characteristics. Some people had nothing better
to do and would give them strange nicknames, like calling a male dog
beauty, or Xi Shi[1], or something like that.”

Ye Qiao laughed and patted his cheek: “It’s lonely on a military base, I
can understand that.”

Her palm was slightly cold but soft. Zhou Tingsheng felt that she was
deliberately flirting with him. He laughed and walked forwards, putting
a bag of cat food into the cart. When he turned to look back at her, he
gave her a bright smile.

[1]: One of the renowned Four Beauties of ancient China.

Translated by Team DHH at