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Friday, January 25, 2019

You're Beautiful When You Smile - Chapter 47 Part 3

Translated by Team DHH at

You’re Beautiful When You Smile
Chapter 47 Part 3

Tong Yao covered her eyes with her palm: “You made me lose face. Do you
know how to use Leblanc? QRWE, auto-attack, A-move, ignite, Q. See! The
damn guy is dead!”

“I was going to use that combo. He was dead even if you didn’t say anything.”

“Like hell you were going to do that.”

As they argued, Lu Sicheng poured a cup of water for himself and passed by
behind them, commenting: “so noisy.” He took off the windbreaker and placed
it on the back of the chair and sat down in his seat, putting his hands onto the
mouse and keyboard…...Tong Yao, from the corner of her eyes, saw a mass
of white characters floating by on Lu Sicheng’s computer screen. She was
stunned: “You still have your stream on?”

“To kill time.”

Lu Sicheng glanced at the screen and saw someone’s bullet comment “They
didn’t get back together, hahahahahahaha, that’s wonderful, hahahahaha.” He
snickered and took out a never before opened pack of cigarette and threw it
onto the desk, then leaned back------

“Someone said that there are two grade schoolers at ZGDX. He’s flattering you
two. At most, you are kindergarteners.”

As Lu Sicheng was leisurely reading the bullet comments aloud, Tong Yao was
instructing Lu Yue how to use Leblanc’s abilities to get the advantage over the
enemies…...Finally, Lu Yue killed the enemy’s ADC, his team won the team fight,
and pushed up to the enemy’s base and win the match…...Lu Yue sighed: “Don’t
you think that they should give me the MVP?”

“You think the system is blind, a MVP with a 2-12-11 Leblanc?” Tong Yao kicked
him: “Get up, don’t you have a computer of your own?”

Lu Yue slowly stood up. Tong Yao instantly used her bottom to shove him away
and sat down on her own seat…...Lu Yue staggered and rolled his eyes. After
steadying himself, he stretched and noticed the pack of cigarette on Lu Sicheng’s
desk. “You bought it, but not going to smoke?”

Lu Sicheng: “All of sudden, I don’t feel like smoking.”

Tong Yao: “He wasn’t going out to buy cigarettes in the first place.”

As she was speaking, she put down her mouse and with lightning speed, grasped
the piggy bank on Lu Sicheng’s desk and shook it up and down. A few cigarettes
poured out together with some coins.

“See.” Tong Yao put the piggy bank back: “He still has some.”

Lu Yue looked at Lu Sicheng.

Lu Sicheng was unmoved: “What’s wrong with taking a walk outside after being in
the base for so long? The fresh air outside is helpful for getting rid of my cold.”

Lu Yue: “Alright, I believe you.”

Lu Sicheng looked at Tong Yao: “The goal of our team this year is the competition
finals. No puppy love. No treason.”

Tong Yao: “Oh.”

Lu Sicheng turned his head back to look at his computer screen which had even
more bullet comments------


Lu Sicheng watched them for a while.

He clicked his mouse and dragged one of his fans into the ban list for a comment…...
something he seldom did.

Then he asked without much emotion: “Are you all having a good time? I’m
logging off.”

Three seconds later, the screens of all the followers of his stream turned black.

Translated by Team DHH at


  1. I wonder what the fan wrote that made him ban the fan. Thanks for the chappie

  2. No puppy love no treason 🙌🙌 can we please find out what is follower wrote?? 🙏😂 Thanks for the update...

  3. I'm sure he banned Jinyang.. but what did she said, I don't know..
    Thanks for the update...

  4. I like that Tong Yao seems to know him so well. Lol. Thanks for the chapter!

  5. Thank you for the chapter 😃😃...

  6. Pego no pulo, neguinho KKKKKKKKKK

  7. He wouldn't have blocked a fan for pointing out to his jealousy right.. maybe the fan was in support of YT and her ex getting back together

  8. 【呵呵红红火火恍恍惚惚!】







    These are the bullet comments.

  9. 然后面无表情地问:“嗨够了吗?关直播了。”




    This is the part before he decided to ban that user. He ban little zongzimao for that comment

    1. 陆思诚拧回脑袋,此时电脑上的弹幕是——















      This is the correct timeline of things that happened

    2. Thanks for posting the original. So it really was TY's bestie who LSC banned..hahahha.. good thing he unbanned her immediately or tong yao will be harassed by her bestie

    3. Hi, where can I read the original Chinese version?

    4. Just type 你微笑时候很美小说 and you can find it

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.
