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Thursday, January 3, 2019

Those Sweet Times - Chapter 31 Part 3

Translated by Team DHH at

Those Sweet Times
Chapter 31 Part 3
That Saturday, the third round of the campus esports competition began.

Xiang Nuan had been practicing Donghuang Taiyi for the whole week. She
bought the Donghai Dragon King skin for Donghuang Taiyi, which made him
not so ugly anymore. However, those black balls still looked quite evil to her.

Donghuang Taiyi was an aggressive support. His black balls could recover
his health when they rubbed against any living creature and his ultimate
could bring champions to the brink of death.

Furthermore, his ultimate had no counter.

It couldn’t be dispelled by any of the champions.

Donghuang Taiyi’s ultimate was nicknamed “Brothers, let me hit you.” When
the ultimate hit any champion, that champion would then share any damage
from Donghuang Taiyi, and vice versa. However, Donghuang Taiyi was a tank
with plenty of health and his balls could recover any lost health. The first to fall
usually wasn’t Donghuang Taiyi.

When playing Donghuang Taiyi, the usual strategy involved charging at the
enemy ahead of the team, initiating the battle with his ultimate.  After
successfully hitting the enemy champions, his teammates would then jump
into the fray.

There was one problem though. The cooldown time for his ultimate was rather
long, usually only one ultimate could be used per teamfight. Thus, it was crucial
that his ultimate hits the key enemy champion to be effective.

It was easier said than done, especially in the confusion of battle. It took a lot
of practice to deliver the ultimate precisely on the right target.

In addition to his ultimate, Donghuang Taiyi’s other strength was his ability to
quickly regain health. Before level 4, Donghuang Taiyi had the obvious advantage
of fighting with his balls.  In the beginning of the game, he would invade the
enemy’s jungle to steal the red buff, blue buff and monsters, like a robber.

Zheng Dongkai was playing Damo as their jungler which was also a strong
champion in the early game, dealing quite a bit of damage with his punches.

When Donghuang Taiyi and Damo worked together, they cleaned out the
enemy’s jungle and winning their team the first round.

Shocked by such a crushing defeat, the other team bought items that
reduced a champions ability to heal early on in the game.

Xiang Nuan thought to herself: Am I really this formidable……

It wasn’t a good strategy for the enemy team to focus on one support.
Besides, they spent money on an item to reduce the effectiveness of healing
and sacrificed an item slot that could be used for a more essential item.

The Times won the second round.

Now Xiang Nuan’s team was officially in the final eight teams. They were
one step closer to their target, the third place prize.

“Yay, yay, yay, let’s eat out for lunch? I’ll buy!” Xiang Nuan put away her
cell phone and smiled.

“Sure, sure.” The others all agreed.

Xiang Nuan lightly pat Lin Chuyan’s shoulder who was right next to her
and grinned: “You did well today. You can have an extra drumstick.”

Lin Chuyan looked down at the fair and plump hand on his shoulder.

Then he put the tips of his fingers on the back of her hand and pressed
the base of his fingers down on her smooth skin. Slowly, he pushed her
hand down and laughed while looking downwards: “You are getting better
at sweet talking.”

They went to the fourth floor of the dining hall for special stir fry dishes.
Xiang Nuan indeed bought an extra drumstick for Lin Chuyan.

As they were eating, Shen Zemu and Waiwai also entered the restaurant.
They sat at the table next to them. Shen Zemu ate his lunch quietly while
Waiwai chatted with them across the aisle.

Waiwai was so absorbed in the conversation that he abandoned Shen
Zemu to sit besides Zheng Dongkai.

“Xiang Nuan.” Shen Zemu suddenly called her.

Xiang Nuan was fighting over a meatball with Lin Chuyan when she heard
Shen Zemu calling her. She hurriedly turned her head in a flattering manner:
“Yes! Xuezhang?”

Shen Zemu said: “My cousin is coming over to Nanshan City next week.
Do you want to meet him?”

Cousin! Hu Ge!

Xiang Nuan was so excited that she straightened her body: “Ah? Yes, yes!
Hu Ge…...en, will he want to meet me?”

Shen Zemu found her cautious attitude quite amusing and smiled: “I want
him to meet you, he’ll have to meet you.”

“Thank you, xuezhang!”

“Xuezhang.” Lin Chuyan gave Shen Zemu a bright smile: “I’m also Hu Ge’s
fan. Can I also tag along?”

Shen Zemu squinted and coldly said: “No.”

Lin Chuyan: = =

Retribution sure came quickly.

Translated by Team DHH at