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Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Those Sweet Times - Chapter 32 Part 1

Translated by Team DHH at

Those Sweet Times
Chapter 32 Part 1

Hu Ge wouldn’t arrive till next weekend. Before that time, Xiang Nuan had to
get to a higher rank and advance in the competition.

The fourth round of the Kings of Glory campus competition was next Saturday.
Xiang Nuan’s team won the match, though with great hardship. They were now
one of the top four teams.

The game had lasted for two hours, three matches total. It was as if they were
under some sort of curse that every match lasted till the late late game. Their
opponents banned Donghuang Taiyi for all three matches, showing that they
had done their homework.

Dayu’s marksman was constantly harassed by the enemy and made quite a
few blunder in the first two matches. For the third match, Lin Chuyan decided
to be the marksman himself. He used his first champion, Sun Shangxiang.

Xiang Nuan used Zhuang Zhou as her champion.

As their champions walked side by side, the sight reminded Xiang Nuan of the
time when they first started playing the game and began to laugh.

Lin Chuyan stared at his screen: “What are you giggling about?”

“Well, I thought about when we first started playing this game, we were so
silly then.”

“It was you who was silly.”

“You were silly, you were, you were.”

“En, I was silly.” Lin Chuyan admitted with a smile without argument.

Dayu was playing a mage, Wang Zhaojun. This champion could be a
formidable character if one knew how to play her well.  And it didn’t require
a great amount of skill since she could safely stay in the rear to cast her abilities.

Dayu had missed too many times in the first two matches and was playing
somewhat cautiously, turning a mage into as if she was a support.

All the pressure was on Lin Chuyan to deal damage.

This match also lasted till the very late game. The enemy hadn’t studied Sun
Shangxiang before the game and didn’t know how to counter her. In the end,
Lin Chuyan had 17 kills, 0 deaths, and 8 assists. He had killed 17 enemy
champions without dying once.

Though the enemy had a late realization that they should target Sun Shangxiang,
Xiang Nuan and her other three teammates’ strategy was to guard their carry.  
All four of them would protect Lin Chuyan from the enemy. Any one of them
would sacrifice their own lives to make sure Lin Chuyan stayed alive.

Their opponents were becoming desperate.

Darkcom: Can you let us kill Sun Shangxiang just once? I beg you.

It’s Nuannuan: How can we allow you to touch our baby? It’s your time to die!

Lin Chuyan chuckled.

At last, Xiang Nuan’s team won.

Xiang Nuan couldn’t believe that they had reached the top four. When they
first signed up for the competition, they were only Gold. And now? Though
they weren’t Master yet, they had defeated two Master teams!

Compared to her excitement, the other four men were much calmer about
their success.

While they were packing up their stuff, Dayu asked a question: “Should we
tank the semi final game next week?”

Xiang Nuan raised her eyebrows in surprise: “Why should we tank the game?”

“Didn’t we say that we wanted third place? If we get into the finals, we won’t
be third.”

“No, where’s your spirit of sportsmanship! We can’t tank the game. Being third
was the target before, now our target is------keeping the third and fight for the first!”

Zheng Dongkai raised his thumb: “Girl, well said!”

Lin Chuyan said: “If we get into the finals, our opponent may well be Shen
Zemu’s team. You won’t go easy on them either?”

“What if it’s them. Even my own dad plays against us, I will win!” Xiang Nuan
spoke as her eyes brightened up.

Lin Chuyan looked at her eyes and the stray hair hanging on her forehead.
He really felt like rubbing it.

Translated by Team DHH at


  1. Chuyan is their baby..
    Thank you for the update!

  2. This chapter link as c31part2 in novelupdate.

    1. Thanks for letting us know, though I don't think we have the ability to edit it. I'll shoot the site an email and ask if we can get that changed.

    2. They've fixed it for us. Thanks again for informing us.

  3. <3 love that her love of the game is more than her love of Shen Zumu. Lol. Or even that of her father. XD Such a pure and passionate character. <3 Thanks for the update!

  4. I feel so proud of them. The feeling is like that of watching your baby take their first step
