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Thursday, December 27, 2018

Those Sweet Times - Chapter 31 Part 1

Translated by Team DHH at

Those Sweet Times
Chapter 31 Part 1

Early in the morning, Zheng Dongkai got up and went to the bathroom
in a daze. Each dorm room had its own bathroom. Usually, the boys’
bathroom was messy, thankfully theirs wasn’t.

It was because Lin Chuyan wouldn’t allow it. = =

Yet, Lin Chuyan didn’t bother to clean it himself. The job for cleaning the
bathroom became the responsibility of his three slaves. Every semester,
their dorm room would be on the list of the model rooms.

At this hour of the day, Zheng Dongkai wasn’t fully awake yet. He went to
relieve himself in the cold winter morning.

He saw Lin Chuyan in the bathroom. What was he doing in the bathroom?

“Ah! ! !” Zheng Dongkai cried out, terrified.

The noise woke up the other two roommates.

Lin Chuyan glanced over him then carelessly said: “I heard that the Taikang
Hospital across from school is having a promotion lately. Anyone who’s reached
Master in Kings of Glory will receive 50% off for a circumcision. So-----better
hurry up to Master.”

“What the hell, that’s not the point!” Zheng Dongkai said: “Lin Chuyan, why are
you washing clothes? This isn’t your underwear nor socks; this is-----”

Lin Chuyan abruptly covered his mouth.

Lin Chuyan was taller than Zheng Dongkai. His arm circled around Zheng
Dongkai’s neck to reach over Zheng’s mouth. Zheng Dongkai felt his mouth and
nose were filled with the smell of laundry detergent. His body was brought to the
side, almost tripping over himself.

Maomaoqiu and Dayu happened to pushed the bathroom door open just then.

They had just heard the shriek and rushed to rescue Zheng Dongkai. They were
stunned to see what was going on inside the bathroom.

Zheng Dongkai was disheveled and Lin Chuyan was covering his mouth with a
dangerous look on his face as if he was trying to force Zheng Dongkai to do
something unspeakable.

“Excuse us!” Maomaoqiu shut the bathroom door.

Zheng Dongkai felt helpless.

Lin Chuyan released him and he tidied up his clothes to walk out of the bathroom.
Looking bitter, he said to Maomaoqiu and Dayu: “Can’t you at least hesitate when
selling me out?”

“Dongkai, he really did that to you? I knew it, I knew he would do such a thing
sooner or later! ------But isn’t he a bit too quick……”

“No, no, it’s not like that. Don’t make up stories.”

“Then why did you scream?”

Zheng Dongkai happily reported: “Chuyan is washing clothes!”

“Nonsense, when has he washed any clothes other than his own underwear
and socks? Isn’t he always having the dry cleaner come by for pickup and delivery?
I feel that he has spent more money on the dry cleaner than food.”

Zheng Dongkai had the impression that Lin Chuyan was so lazy that he would
never do anything involving manual labor, even if it meant starving. It would be
hard for a normal person to understand the logic of a super lazy person.

However, today Lin Chuyan was washing a pair of gloves.

“It’s that pair he wore when he came back on Sunday, those little princess gloves.”


Both Lin Chuyan and Xiang Nuan had arrived a few minutes early at the club’s
regular meeting on Thursday.

Lin Chuyan had a light grey cashmere scarf around his neck. His chin was buried
in the soft and warm scarf, making him look gentle.

Even his hairdo was looking much better today.

Lin Chuyan had his hair parted in the middle, a little fluffy with small curls at the
tails. Xiang Nuan asked: “Where did you get your hair permed? It looks very natural.”

“I didn’t get permed. My hair is naturally curly.”

Xiang Nuan was envious of his naturally curly hair and, cupping her chin, looked
at his hair attentively. Lin Chuyan was a bit uneasy under her gaze: “What are you
looking at?”

Xiang Nuan smiled: “I think if you dyed your hair ash grey, it would look good too.”

“Why ash grey?”

“Then you’ll have the same hair color as Zhuge Liang.”

Games again. She was seriously addicting to that game.

Translated by Team DHH at


  1. I wonder if LC will indeed dye his hair to ash gray? Thank you for the chapter.

  2. Awwww...cute/funny chapter. Thanks for the update!
