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Monday, November 26, 2018

Starlight Has No Past - Chapter 11 Part 1

Translated by Team DHH at

Starlight Has No Past
Chapter 11 Part 1

The most conspicuous building at the arts district was the City Arts Museum,
which was also the largest museum in Yang City. The interior of the museum was
designed by a famed designer from Parsons, with green artificial plants arranged
to match the classical white interior color. The inside of the museum was at a very
comfortable temperature, creating a natural exhibition space to showcase works
of art.
Even the reception area of the museum office was decorated in the same elegant
The director of the museum, Yang Zhisong, signed the letter of commitment and
shook hands with Liang Zirao and her brother. Zhou Tingsheng reached out his
hand but showed hardly any expression on his face, somewhat out of sync with
the image of a businessman. It was the first time for Yang Zhisong to meet the
only son of the Zhou family. To show courtesy, he started chatting with Zhou
Tingsheng: “I heard that you were once a student of Xu Zang and was his last
When Liang Zirao heard the name Xu Zang, her face slightly stiffened and she
looked at Zhou Tingsheng.

Zhou Tingsheng didn’t answer the question directly, instead he raised his eyes to
ask: “Director Yang knows my teacher?”
“Xu Zang and I were classmates when we were teenagers and we’ve always been
on good terms. I haven’t heard him mention that he had such an outstanding young
man as a disciple.” Yang Zhisong had used a few sentences to compliment everyone
involved. Liang Zirao also smiled to go along with the conversation.
Zhou Tingsheng, however, felt that the way director Yang spoke resembled a person
he knew in the past.
He put on a shallow smile: “It was so long ago, my teacher probably has already
forgotten about me.”
Liang Zirao tried to give Yang Zhisong a more plausible explanation: “That was over
ten years ago, when Tingsheng was still a young kid. At the time, Mr. Xu wasn’t as
famous as he is now and we were fortunate to have him come to our home to teach
my brother. It was a shame that my brother wasn’t into it and didn’t accomplish
anything. Later on, he joined the army and only retired from the army lately. He’s
forgotten all he had learned and hasn’t had any contact with Mr. Xu since.”
Yang Zhisong was surprised: “That’s such a pity. Nowadays, many wealthy families
at Yang City have invited Xu Zang to teach their children, but he has turned them all
Liang Zirao acknowledged it, then changed the subject. After chatting with Yang Zhisong
a little while longer, she left with Zhou Tingsheng.
Zhou Tingsheng was still absentmindedly playing with his gilded lighter in his hand.

Liang Zirao’s face fell as soon as they left the museum.
Zhou Tingsheng deliberately spoke her mind for her: “Not happy hearing about Xu Zang?”
Liang Zirao gave him a hard look. He was good at pretending as if nothing had happened
and even told director Yang that Xu Zang had forgotten about him. How could it be possible?
Xu Zang probably wouldn’t be able to forget through his whole life what the Zhou family had
done to him.
She countered: “Did I mention Xu Zang myself? How many words have you said since you
came over this time? When the name Xu Zang was brought up, you started talking. Zhou
Tingsheng, were you doing that on purpose to annoy me?” She thought about it further and
remembered that Xu Zang’s daughter was his next door neighbor and seemed quite close
to him. She felt so frustrated: “Nevermind, you won’t listen to dad and I. You find your own
way back.”
Then she got in the car which was waiting for her and left him standing there by himself.

Zhou Tingsheng didn’t seem to mind. He raised his two fingers to the corner of his forehead
and gave a halfhearted farewell salute.

Translated by Team DHH at

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