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Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Those Sweet Times - Chapter 23 Part 3

Translated by Team DHH at

Those Sweet Times
Chapter 23 Part 3

Multiple enemy champions were chasing after Lin Chuyan’s Daji. Daji was able
to dodge two of them and Xiang Nuan thought Daji was safe until Zhao Yun
came into the picture.

Zhao Yun’s ultimate could hit multiple enemies at the same time and had very
strong crowd control. Zhao Yun at the meantime was closing in on Daji with his
ultimate ready. If Daji got hit, she wouldn’t be able to survive when the others
caught up to her…...At the crucial moment, Daji flashed next to an allied turret;
she even blew a kiss to Zhao Yun before she left.

Everything happened in less than a millisecond. Xiang Nuan was so amazed
that she spoke without thinking: “That must be the hand speed of someone
who has been single for 20 years.”

Lin Chuyan lost the grip on his cell phone and dropped it onto the glass tabletop
with a loud bang.

He wasn’t concerned about his phone, but lowered his head and looked at
Xiang Nuan out of the corner of his eyes, slightly squinted.

Xiang Nuan then realized what she had just said and almost wanted to slap
herself. What was she talking about…...Whoops, people who watched Hu Ge’s
stream always said that. Somehow she blurted it out without thinking. How could
she say things like that? Especially when she was talking to a man……

Xiang Nuan blushed and buried her head way down, not daring to look at Lin Chuyan.

However, Lin Chuyan wouldn’t let it go. He got a little closer and whispered: “Rascal.”

He slowed down on purpose while he uttered the word, making it especially clear
and forceful.

Xiang Nuan’s face got even redder and moved a little away from him. But he moved
in again until she was at the corner of the sofa with no place to move.

“Where did you learn to trash talk like that?”  Lin Chuyan asked.

Xiang Nuan couldn’t face him and pushed him away-- --She didn’t use much force
but Lin Chuyan followed the momentum to lie down onto the sofa as if she was going
to molest him. Xiang Nuan abruptly stood up, looking at him from high above. He was
half leaning and half sitting on the sofa, looking quite enticing and his curvy eyes were
bright and mischievous.

Embarrassed and irritated, Xiang Nuan grabbed her backpack and walked out of the
coffee shop.

Lin Chuyan hurriedly got up to chase after her: “You’re angry?”

“Alright, I’m just joking.” He said.

“But you have to tell me where you learned to talk like that.” He added.

Xiang Nuan quickened her steps without even realizing it. However, Lin Chuyan’s legs
were much longer than hers, he was still walking besides her.

“You’re really that angry?” Lin Chuyan sounded like he wasn’t very sure. Then he said:
“Then, alright, you aren’t a rascal, I’m a rascal, alright?”

“Lin Chuyan, you’re nuts!” Xiang Nuan shouted out loud then------ran away.

Despite carrying such a big backpack, she still ran quite fast.

The little bear on the backpack jumped up and down as if it was dancing.


That night, Xiang Nuan received a WeChat message from her teammates, Dayu.

Dayu: Xiang Nuan, I want to ask you something. I’m curious.

Xiang Nuan: Oh? Ask.

Dayu: Why did Chuyan change your WeChat nickname to “rascal Nuan”? What did
you do to him?

Xiang Nuan: ……

Xiang Nuan made up her mind that she had to teach Lin Chuyan a lesson so he would
know who was the papa.

What she didn’t expect was that Lin Chuyan presented the opportunity for her to get
even, before she had come up with any plan.

Translated by Team DHH at


  1. Hahaha, LC and XN are just too ....(oh, whatever)! Thanks so much for this enjoyable chapter.

  2. Haha. I'm curious what word was used in Chinese for the term "rascal." English can sometimes not fully express the full meaning or connotations of a Chinese term. From her XN's reaction, it seems like the word "rascal" has more meaning to it. Haha.

    Thanks for the update. Cant wait to read how XN gets revenge.

    1. I think they're taking it as more of a lewd term? Maybe something like rouge? Idk.

    2. Me me, I can answer this question.

      From a translator's note I did previously:
      The original phrase is 流氓 (liú máng). 流氓 directly translates to ruffian, hooligan or gangster (or rascal in this case). It is a slang used to refer to people who are behaving or intending to behave in an indecent manner, sexually harass or flirtatiously tease another person. This term is non-gender specific and can either be used jokingly among friends or in outrage depending on the scenario. You may see this phrase quite commonly used in a lot of Chinese novels.

    3. The start of your comment is adorable 🤭🤭🤭🤭

  3. Thanks so much for the translation.

  4. Well her comment about his speed was too loaded. She shouldn’t get mad when she’s called out.

  5. I bursted into laugh until I almost spit out my food reading her joke....

  6. These two are so fun. I keep thinking how much I want this to be turned into a (faithful) adaptation - SZM is the typical male lead but I loveeeee these two
