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Monday, October 22, 2018

Starlight Has No Past - Chapter 7 Part 3

Translated by Team DHH at

Starlight Has No Past
Chapter 7 Part 3

“Ra-- --pe” His long arm swept under her knees and picked her up in one smooth motion.
There was a couple walking over in the hallway, giving them a strange look as they passed
by. Zhou Tingsheng strode away, using his arms to clamp down on Ye Qiao’s struggling
body, and threatened her: “Don’t move. It’ll be your fault if they call the police.”
Ye Qiao cursed and tried to kick him with her leg, but he easily neutralize it. Ye Qiao angrily
said: “I’m going to call security if you keep behaving this way!”
“Be good. You can sue me afterwards…...But keep steady. There’s a gash on your leg and
there’s blood all over my arm.”

Ye Qiao quieted down. Then she felt a slight pain on her leg. She had been so focused on
breaking off with Gu Jin, she didn’t even realize that the broken wine glass had cut her leg.
She calmed down, Zhou Tingsheng managed to swipe the room card with one hand. He
turned to put Ye Qiao down after the door opened, then kicked the door close.
Ye Qiao landed on the ground too suddenly and stumbled a bit before she could stand
firmly. She annoyingly said with a chilly voice: “What’s wrong with you?” Then she thought
it was below her to be at his level, so she sneered: “Ha, aren’t you afraid that someone will
come knocking on the door?”
Zhou Tingsheng slid the room card in to turn on the lights and replied that there’s no rush,
there wouldn’t be anyone coming for a while.
So it turned out that there was someone who would be coming. Ye Qiao stood at the
doorway and watched him take out his silver gray cell phone. He said over the phone of
the room number: “First-aid kit, injury.”
Ye Qiao watched him put the phone near her ear: “You tell her yourself.”
There was a woman’s voice in the phone: “Good evening, this is Yueting Hotel room
service. Could you please tell me what type of medical supplies you need?”
“I hurt myself and need to disinfect it.” Ye Qiao spoke softly and politely, but her eyes were
fixed on Zhou Tingsheng. “If you have medical gauze and tape, please send some up.”
“Yes, sure. Please wait ten more minutes. We hope you have a pleasant stay.”
The phone battery then died.

“I never knew you were this considerate and warm-hearted.” Ye Qiao threw phone down
and sat on the sofa.  Since she was already here, she might as well enjoy the room.
The top floor VIP room had view of the entirety of G City. There was a balcony outside the
living room through the glass sliding door. The lighting inside the room were designed in
such a way to reduce the reflection on the glass so it wouldn’t affect the view of the city.
Ye Qiao could see the thick clouds over G City tonight, the flash of red lights from an
airplane blinked inside the dark clouds.
It was still raining outside.
Zhou Tingsheng said: “If you get infected from the cut, wouldn’t you blame my dog?”
He added: “Wait till the rain stops then go.”
It was in an imperious tone.

He pulled out a tissue to clean the blood off his arm, then just threw the tissue into the
ashtray. He took out a pack of cigarette from his pants pocket.
Ye Qiao abruptly turned her head back: “Don’t smoke. Just tonight, don’t smoke.”
Her eyebrows furrowed, with perfect makeup, she looked like a noble lady in an English
drama. Zhou Tingsheng also threw the pack of cigarettes into the ashtray. “Sure.”
But he still subconsciously looked for his lighter. When he took out the lighter, he look
bemused by his actions. He chuckled and kept clicking the lighter: “Nothing else to do
if I’m not smoking.”
Ye Qiao now decided that he dragged her in this room because he was too lonely. She
suddenly felt that being a gigolo wasn’t an easy job. “Have you eaten yet?”
“I haven’t either.” Ye Qiao felt hungry all of a sudden.

Zhou Tingsheng raised his eyebrows: “Weren’t you at a dinner party just now?”
Ye Qiao looked at him in confusion, how did he know that I was at a dinner party. “I
didn’t eat anything.”
“Then, we’ll go down to eat something later.”
Ye Qiao leaned against the sofa, her pupils slightly rolling around, and thought of
something: “I don’t want to eat those things.”
Zhou Tingsheng spoke in contempt: “Such a picky eater.”

There was someone knocking on the door, announcing that it was from room service.
Ye Qiao put bandage on the cut on her leg. Her main concern was the wound on her
hand; she cleaned it and wrapped it with fresh gauze. When she turned around, she
saw Zhou Tingsheng subconsciously reaching for the pack of cigarettes. Noticing that
she was looking at him, he retracted his hand. She knew he was just struggling with his
craving and might not really smoke it. But she felt the scene was quite amusing. Using
Qianxi’s phrase, she felt he was quite “cute.”
Ye Qiao smiled at him: “When is your guest coming? Can we go out to eat now?”

“Damn, what guest.” He hardly ever cursed. He said while stuffing the lighter into his
pocket: “Let’s go. Let’s get you some food.”

Translated by Team DHH at

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