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Thursday, September 6, 2018

Those Sweet Times - Chapter 19 Part 3

Translated by Team DHH at

Those Sweet Times
Chapter 19 Part 3

Lin Chuyan started laughing silently the moment Xiang Nuan opened her
eyes since he was afraid of making her angry. He tightened his lips, trying
very hard to hold back the laughter. His shoulders were trembling ever so
slightly. Seeing that Xiang Nuan was going to blow up, he hurriedly said:
“Don’t be angry. I’ll sing for you.”

“You think you can solve the problem by singing? !”

“I’ll sing for you for a whole week, every day of the week.”

“You, you…...better keep to your words!”

Actually, she really wanted to refuse the offer, but she just couldn’t. She
despised herself!

Xiang Nuan was now occupied by complex emotions. She was angry about
the pig nose, yet felt depressed that she couldn’t show her anger properly.
She was spiteful towards Lin Chuyan, ashamed of herself for give in so easily,
and furthermore, secretly joyful, something she didn’t want to admit and
couldn’t overlook-- --after all, she could listen to Lin Chuyan sing for a week.

Her face was a window into her changing emotions. Lin Chuyan kept watching
her and carefully reminded her: “The corn should be cool enough to eat now.”
He said in a petty and low voice as if he was afraid of frightening her.

Xiang Nuan angrily picked up the corn and took a big bite of it.

She ate her oden and corn while looking at her sketches of Shen Zemu. Her
heart was bleeding, yet her stomach was content.

A short while later, Lin Chuyan patted her shoulder and motioned to the register.

She turned her face and saw Shen Zemu and Waiwai. They had already
selected their late night snacks and were about to pay at the register. The
clerk repeated the same words to the two men: “Today’s Singles Day, couples
can get half price.”

Waiwai immediately grabbed Shen Zemu’s hand: “We’re couples.”

“I’ll believe it if you kiss each other.”

Waiwai hesitated a bit, deciding whether he should kiss Shen Zemu. He
thought it should be fine since they were such good buddies. He tried to
get a little closer.

Shen Zemu had already pulled back the hand grabbed by Waiwai. As Waiwai
was getting closer, Shen Zemu put his palm on Waiwai’s face and forcefully
pushed him away.

Then he added a kick.

Waiwai was pushed back quite some distance. He felt he had been unfairly
treated and muttered: “You called me little sweetheart yesterday and today
you kick me.”

Shen Zemu felt like cutting someone down.

“How much. Don’t need a discount.” Shen Zemu said.

The clerk: “Are you two together?”

“No, I don’t know him.”

Shen Zemu paid for his stuff and turned around to see Xiang Nuan and Lin
Chuyan. The two sat on the bar stools. Xiang Nuan was holding a corn cob
with one side of her cheek slightly puffing out and a corn kernel hanging at
the corner of her lips. Lin Chuyan was holding a half eaten fish ball in his hand.

The expressions on both of them reminded Shen Zemu of the word ‘simpleton.’
The word was custom made for the two of them.

Shen Zemu squinted his eyes, realizing they had seen everything as they ate.

He felt especially awkward. Waiwai sometimes would make this kind of joke
with him and he usually didn’t take it too seriously. But tonight he felt particularly
embarrassed. He walked towards the counter with his food. Xiang Nuan’s eyes
followed him, as he moved from far away to close by.

When he passed by Xiang Nuan, he unexpectedly said: “I’m straight.” He cursed
after he spoke, why did he explain this for?

Xiang Nuan simple mindedly nodded. “I know.” Her thinking was that it would
be a big joke if the god I had a crush on was a gay……

Shen Zemu was so uncomfortable with the situation and looked away.  He
happened to glance at those drawings.

Then he saw his own face and…...the pig nose on his face.

Shen Zemu: “......”

He really wanted to cut someone down.

Translated by Team DHH at


  1. Oh, this chapter is so funnnny!!! Thank you for translating and sharing this with us readers.

  2. Ww is so funny hehe.
    Thanks for the update 💞💞
