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Saturday, September 15, 2018

Starlight Has No Past - Chapter 4 Part 2

Translated by Team DHH at

Starlight Has No Past
Chapter 4 Part 2

Ye Qiao sat in the leather chair as a stylist worked on her hair. Her assistant,
Shen Ting, was giving her a rundown of the news conference.  When she
reached the segment about the birthday celebration, she began to hesitate:
“The production company asks the entire cast to go upstage to accompany
Cheng Jiang Jie as she cuts her birthday cake. After the news conference,
there will be a birthday party for Cheng Jiang Jie. Director Gu will be the host
and the party will be at the banquet room on the third floor of the hotel.”
Shen Ting breathed a sigh of relief after she finished as if she had gone to
hell and back. Even the stylist was winking at her-- --The bad blood between
Cheng Jiang and Ye Qiao was a touchy subject for the whole film crew. A new
assistant wouldn’t want to stumble into it.
Ye Qiao, meanwhile, lowered her head and concentrated on sending WeChat
messages. She raised her eyelids to check herself in the mirror then asked the
stylist: “Do you think I need to do a perm at the back?” The stylist, Xiao K,
plugged in the dryer: “No, I’ll just pull it up later.”
“Alright.” Ye Qiao dialed a number on her cell phone and raised her well groomed
eyebrows to ask Shen Ting: “Can you pick up someone for me?”

Shen Ting took the phone and almost jogged out of the dressing room.
Ye Qiao was the first actress she had worked with since entering the filming
business. She thought a new actress would be easier to take care of and heard
that Ye Qiao was nice-- --She found out that Ye Qiao wasn’t just nice, she was
too reserved making Shen Ting feel that it was difficult to get close to her.
The drizzle had just stopped, but it was still overcast outside. Shen Ting held
Ye Qiao’s cell phone, which had no accessories not even a protective cover,
and stood behind the revolving door: “Hello, how are you…...yes, I’m Ms. Ye’s
assistant. Are you here yet? Is it that dark blue car? En. I see you……”

Shen Ting walked out from the revolving door to greet Zhou Tingsheng, who
was in all black and just walking up the stairs. That face…...she checked her
memory, didn’t belong to any movie stars yet, surprisingly, he had the disposition
of a movie star.
She put down the phone and reach out to shake hands with him: “How are you.
I’m Shen Ting. Ms. Ye sent me to meet you.”
Zhou Tingsheng took off the glove but didn’t shake hands with her. Instead, he
tapped on her forehead. A raindrop dropped down on the back of his hand and
disappeared along the thin gold ring between his fingers.
Stunned, Shen Ting blinked and blushed: “......Thanks.”
Zhou Tingsheng: “Where’s Ye Qiao.”

With her blue staff badge on her chest, Shen Ting led Zhou Tingsheng pass two
security points. Zhou Tingshen followed behind. Shen Ting, wearing a pair of low
heeled sandals, walked briskly in the front with a red face while Zhou Tingsheng,
with his long legs, followed in a leisure pace.
The wall lamps on the hallway of the hotel were lit with a soft glow. Zhou Tingsheng
was playing with a gold lighter in his hand. The light reflected off the smooth metal
cover of the lighter, glittering and enchanting.
-- --Like his eyes.

They didn’t make a sound as they walked over the plush carpet, but the sound of
arguing inside the dressing room could be clearly heard-- --

“What wrong with Gu Jin this time? Hasn’t he gotten investor funding already?
There’s not even an individual dressing room? I just flew back from Cannes and
rushed over here. Now there’s not even a seat for me?”

Shen Ting rushed into the dressing room. It was the second female lead of <The
Watcher>, Xu Yinshan, who had just arrived. The dressing room was for two people,
but only Ye Qiao had been there earlier. The stylist had put some of his tools on the
empty seat and didn’t expect Xu Yinshan would make such a big fuss about it.
Shen Ting saw Xiao K hastily putting his tools away when she walked in the room.
There were several people: an assistant, security guard, and stylist, standing behind
Xu Yinshen, making a scene. Ye Qiao turned her back to all the fuss that happening
inside the room as if they didn’t concern her. Shen Ting knew, though Xu Yinshen
was complaining about the director and the stylist, that her actual target was Ye Qiao.
Shen Ting couldn’t let it go on.

Shen Ting stepped forward to apologize: “So sorry, Ms. Xu. The news conference is
in this hotel and it’s not properly prepared for the film crew. There isn’t enough dressing
rooms to go around. But there are rooms reserved for every actor in the hotel so
everyone can get some rest. If Ms. Xu isn’t in a rush to have your makeup done, you
can go up to your room to get some rest.”

Xu Yinshan held her arms in front of her and didn’t look at Shen Ting with her smoky
eyes. She, with a smirk of her face, was waiting for her target to speak.

Translated by Team DHH at

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