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Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Those Sweet Times - Chapter 18 Part 3

Translated by Team DHH at

Those Sweet Times
Chapter 18 Part 3

The next two weeks was midterm weeks, so the Esports Club combined the
two weekly meetings into one.

Xiang Nuan wasn’t sure whether it was convenient for Lin Chuyan to come
for the meeting since the main campus was quite far away. She casually
mentioned about the meeting and unexpectedly, Lin Chuyan agreed to come.

She felt that he was too easy to talk into.

“You don’t have to come.” Xiang Nuan reminded him. “It’s alright if you can’t
show up.”

“En. I don’t have anything to do anyway.”

Lin Chuyan’s voice was usually tinted by a little laziness, like an idle teenager.

Now, it looked like he was indeed an idle person.

Xiang Nuan asked him: “Don’t you need to study?”


She asked the question she had always wanted to ask: “Lin Chuyan, if you
don’t like to study, why did you choose Physics as your major?” Physics is
such a difficult subject. QAQ

“Because it’s easy.” Lin Chuyan replied.

Oh, oh, oh…...Xiang Nuan regretted that she gave him another chance to
show off.

-- --

The meeting that night started at 7 o’clock. Xiang Nuan, as usual, arrived a little
early. It was windy and colder that day, she looked neat and energetic, wearing
a light pink sweater and her hair was pulled into a ponytail so the wind wouldn’t
throw her hair into chaos.

Her skin was fair and smooth. The color of the sweater complimented her skin
tone, making her look especially good. She kept looking at the doorway from time
to time while holding her chin with her elbow resting on a pink covered notebook
and listening aimlessly at others’ conversation.

When Lin Chuyan showed up at the door, their eyes happened to meet.

Xiang Nuan smiled, making her eyes especially bright as if there were stars twinkling
in them. The corners of her mouth curved up, softening the contour of her face and
resembling a slowly blooming pale pink lotus flower.

The talkative boys sitting next to her couldn’t take their eyes off her.

Lin Chuyan also smiled back at her.

He was wearing a short navy blue windbreaker. The windbreaker was well tailored,
showing off his great figure.

His appearance at the door attracted the attention of most of the people in the room.
Xiang Nuan thought to herself, could this be what they mean by someone’s presence?
How interesting……

Lin Chuyan walked towards her, but there wasn’t any empty seats next to her. He
patted the boy next to her with a straight face: “Buddy, there’s someone looking for
you outside.”

“Who’s that?” The boy reluctantly stood up.

“Not sure, it’s a girl.”

The boy hurried up and left once he heard that it was a girl.

Lin Chuyan pulled the chair out to sit down right next to Xiang Nuan. He leaned back,
looking quite comfortable, as if he was taking a tour of the meeting.

Xiang Nuan asked him: “Lin Chuyan, which school are you from?”

“Nanshan University, why?”

“No, you’re not. You’re from the Central Academy of Drama.” She joked and laughed
at her own joke.

Lin Chuyan didn’t think the joke was that funny, yet when he saw Xiang Nuan laughing,
he started to laugh as well.

Shen Zemu happened to walk in at this time and saw them laughing like two goofballs.

He thought: Really, the young people these days……

Translated by Team DHH at


  1. Oh, what a cute chapter. I enjoy reading the parts that have both Lin Chuyan and Xiang Nuan in them. Thank you for your translation.

  2. Thanks for the chappie 💖💕💕💕

  3. Shen Zhemu sounds like an old man. Ummm two are attracted to each other. They just haven’t noticed it yet.
