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Thursday, August 9, 2018

Those Sweet Times - Chapter 16 Part 2

Translated by Team DHH at

Those Sweet Times
Chapter 16 Part 2

“It can’t be that you know him too……” Xiang Nuan was speechless, it
seemed that the whole world knew about Lin Chuyan?

“I know him but he doesn’t know me. Let me tell you, he’s quite popular
on the school forums.”

Xiang Nuan understandably said, “So he’s an otaku, likes to surf the

“No, it’s not that he surfs the forums. It’s that a lot people talk about him
on the forums…...Do you remember that I told you about a guy who was
mean and laughed at the girl who’s confessing to him? Remember?”

“I remember. He plays piano.” Xiang Nuan replied while gestured with
her hands. “He played the piano so fast as if he was having a seizure.”

“Right, that’s him!”

Xiang Nuan felt like she had heard an amazing piece of gossip, but before
she could be excited about it she felt that there was something wrong
about it. She shook her head: “Somehow it doesn’t sound plausible to me.”

Based on the interactions she had with Lin Chuyan, though he could
sometimes be rather nasty, he was still quite well-mannered. It seemed
impossible for him to do such an impolite thing to that girl.

Lin Chuyan was good at handling different situations. He must had a lot
of ways to refuse a girl. He would never laugh at the girl right in her face.

Min Lili: “Nuannuan, don’t be tricked by that jerk’s good looks. That girl’s
identity has been confirmed. She’s also a freshman, the poor girl. In those
couple of days, Lin Chuyan’s name went viral on the forums. On the third
day, he went on to post a message himself.”

“He gave an explanation.”

“No, his post was about renting out designer suites, 100 a day.”

“......” Xiang Nuan felt that it was hard to use normal logic to predict what
Lin Chuyan would do. = =

“Then, what happened afterwards?” She asked Min Lili.

“Then that girl applied to the forums to have a new subforum named ‘Go
to hell, Lin Chuyan.’ It’s still quite active.”

Xiang Nuan asked, “A subforum like that would get approved?”

“The procedure is that the moderator will notify the person first. If the
person objects to it, it certainly wouldn’t be approved. The existence of the
subforum means that Lin Chuyan didn’t say no. Doesn’t it show that he has
a guilty conscience?”

What was all this nonsense…...Xiang Nuan was troubled.

Finally, Min Lili patted Xiang Nuan’s shoulder and sincerely said, “Young lady,
this world is far more complicated than you think.”

-- --

Lin Chuyan went to his dorm room. His three roommates were playing poker
together. They sat on the floor, Zheng Dongkai was the nearest to Lin’s desk.
Lin Chuyan lightly kicked Zheng’s bottom to make him move over.

Zheng Dongkai moved away, with eyes still on the cards, and asked, “Chuyan,
how’s your internet friend? Is she pretty?”

Lin Chuyan didn’t answer. He crossed his arms looking down on them. “I have
an announcement to make.”

As the person who supplied all the snacks in room 208, all three roommates
temporarily moved their eyes up to look at Lin Chuyan.

Lin Chuyan: “You guys have eaten so many snacks from me. Now it’s time for
you to pay back with your bodies.”

He had quite a strong presence in the room since he was looking down on them.
With the addition of those words, it seemed even more horrifying.

Zheng Dongkai held his arms across his chest, looking quite frightened. “What
do you mean? What are you going to do to us? I always felt that there’s something
wrong with you, you never joined us when we watched those movies!”

Lin Chuyan forced himself not to step on his face. “I’m talking about playing a game.”

Kings of Glory, Chuyan and Xiang Nuan needed three more players.

“The first round of the competition would be after the midterms. I hope you all can
move up to Gold as soon as possible. I’m giving you guys a week.” Said Lin Chuyan.

“Alright, alright.” The three roommates put away their cards and began
downloading the game.

“Ask me if you have any questions.” Lin Chuyan was like an old hand.

Zheng Dongkai, Maomaoqiu, and Dayu had all played similar games before,
unlike Lin Chuyan who had only played music games before.

His three roommates quickly grew accustomed the game and didn’t have
many questions for Lin Chuyan.

Translated by Team DHH at


  1. nuannuan : only played dressing game before
    chuyan : only played music game before
    yep you two are compatible

  2. My protective instinct is butting in. Who the h3ll told my Chuyan to go to h3ll?!?!
