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Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Those Sweet Times - Chapter 15 Part 2

Translated by Team DHH at

Those Sweet Times
Chapter 15 Part 2

Xiang Nuan was about to flip open the menu when she heard someone
calling her name in surprise, “Xiang Nuan?”

She looked up and saw Yao Jiamu walking over…...with Shen Zemu
and Waiwai.

When they entered the restaurant, Yao Jiamu was walking behind
Shen Zemu. she quickened her footsteps after she saw Xiang Nuan
and went ahead of Shen Zemu, sitting next to Xiang Nuan. “Didn’t
expect to see you here. Let’s eat together?”

Xiang Nuan lost the chance to sit with her god, but there was nothing
she could do. Her heart ached. TAT

But she had to pretend to be happy to see them. “Yeah, sure, sure.”

After Yao Jiamu sat down at the table, Xiang Nuan moved in a bit to
give them space. Shen Zemu sat next to Yao Jiamu quite naturally.

Xiang Nuan’s heart ached again.

Waiwai had no choice but to sit next to Lin Chuyan.

After they all sat down, Shen Zemu nodded to Xiang Nuan. Xiang Nuan
politely said, “Xuezhang, xuejie, this is-- --”

“Lin Chuyan.”

The three of them spoke in unison.

“So you all know each other?”

“No, we don’t.”


Xiang Nuan looked at Lin Chuyan and saw a confused face. It was
obvious that he didn’t know these three people.

Waiwai explained, “I’ve seen you before. Last year, at the campus
Youth League office, you helped me get some documents there and
we talked a bit.”

Shen Zemu: “A friend of mine at the school orchestra mentioned
you before.”

Yao Jiamu: “I heard about you from people at the Student Association.
Your picture went viral on the association’s WeChat group. You probably
don’t know?”

Xiang Nuan discovered that Lin Chuyan was quite active at school.

“How many clubs have you joined?” Xiang Nuan asked him.

“None as of now.”


“They’re boring.”

All right……

In any case, it was really something that wherever he was he could
become a legend, continuously being mentioned by other people.

Though Xiang Nuan seriously believed that his fame came solely
from his face.

Xiang Nuan gave the menu to Yao Jiamu, she passed it to Shen Zemu.

Shen Zemu flipped the menu and saw Xiang Nuan playing with the
chopsticks in her hand through the corners of his eyes. He was
reminded Xiang Nuan’s childish taste and asked the waitress, “Do
you have creamy custard buns?”

Xiang Nuan: “..................”

She saw Lin Chuyan, sitting across from her, lower his head and his
shoulders were trembling ever so slightly. She knew he was laughing
at her, she annoyingly raised her chopsticks to knock on his hand
again. “Don’t laugh, you!”

Lin Chuyan looked up. His right elbow rested at the edge of the table,
using a loose fist to cover his mouth. His eyes were curved into two
crescents, smiling at her.

Shen Zemu didn’t know what was going on between the two and took
a look at both of them. “So you don’t want creamy custard buns?” He
asking Xiang Nuan.

“No, I don’t want it!” Xiang Nuan hurriedly replied.

He lightly acknowledged with an “en.”

The waitress brought three new sets of tableware. Shen Zemu asked
for an additional pair of chopsticks and passed it to Xiang Nuan directly.

Xiang Nuan said, “Xuezhang, I have chopsticks.”

“They aren’t clean.”

Not clean, because she had just hit Lin Chuyan’s hand with chopsticks?

They probably weren’t clean, Xiang Nuan stuck out her tongue.

Lin Chuyan slightly raised his eyebrows.

Translated by Team DHH at


  1. My heart is fluttering for LC and XN. Their interactions are simply too adorable. Thanks for the updates. Really enjoying this story.

  2. Why they appeared? I was hoping a fluffy dinner with just the two of them t-t
    Lin Chuyan go defend you place! What’s Shen Zhemu doing??? Im loving, thanks for the chapter

  3. Shen Zhemu is no fun. Chuyan has my vote

  4. ugh zemu is so annoying get out of here!
