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Saturday, July 28, 2018

Secret Room Book 4 - Chapter 36

Translated by Team DHH at

Playing Fish Trapped in Secret Room
Book 4: The Return of the King
Chapter 36

Words began to appear on the large screen: Counter Terrorist Night Mission
The mission rules were as follows:
1. The first team to find and kill 100 patrolling enemy units, win.
2. The first team to kill all five opposing players, win.

It was…...magical.
For almost every important match, the game system always chose
Counter Terrorist Night Mission.
Ai Qing pursed up her mouth and laughed.  “I have more than a hundred
strategies in my head for this mission, but it’s my first time actually playing it.”
“Gou Gou is in charge of sniping and field control. Gun and I for offense and
defense respectively.”  Solo said, “All and Xiaomi are in charge of blasting.”
Three snipers and two grenadiers, an extremely offensive setup.

The map showed a ship deck on the ocean.
Ai Qing looked around,  “A cruise ship?”
What a strange place for a mission, it would be too difficult to destroy 100
enemy soldiers.
She expected that Dt and his people would think the same way when they
landed here. They would rather try and win the other way, it was easier to
kill five opponents.  So…...a disguised game of CS began.
The ocean waves are rather rough, rocking the cruise ship.  There was an
outdoor swimming pool about three footsteps away from Ai Qing.
She looked down.  There were four layers of swimming pools, each one
larger than the other
Before she could get a good look, seven to eight grenades flew up at her.
Grenades? !
Amid the series of loud explosions, five people rolled off the rooftop. Their
actions were coordinated, like they had practiced together hundreds and
thousands times before.
They still had the same mutual understanding, even the position and the
order had not changed.
After landing on the ground, Ai Qing raised the sniper rifle, looking through
the scope.  Solo and Gun were on either side of her, slightly up front.
All and Xiaomi landed on the third level, they then rolled again.  They
jumped down simultaneously and rushed at the two shadows on the second
level.  Seconds before they came into contact, the two switched to knives,
Xiaomi had already thrown an incendiary grenade at them.  It instantly
became blindly white------.
Xiaomi and All simultaneously slashed at an opponent's throat.
A death notification appeared.

It was only less than 30 seconds after the match started!  One person
was already out!
Before the audience could react, two gunshots rang out.
Another death notification appeared.
At 45 seconds, two people were already out!
The match became 4 v 4 in a very short time.

Xiao Mai stood up from his chair abruptly.  “Dt cooked the incendiary grenade
just enough that it exploded in Xiaomi’s face.  Xiaomi from Solo’s team and Inin
from Dt’s team, the teams respective grenadier, have been eliminated!”
Nobody had taken the advantage.  Both grenadiers were impaired.
It became quiet again.
This rhythm was the same as CS competitions in the past.  If the map wasn’t
so large, it would be as fast as finishing a match in one minute and 20 seconds
like before.
Withdrawing immediately right after the attack, it was always alternating
between hiding and attacking.
Ai Qing leaned her back against the wall.
“I shot one person.”  She locked one shadow also when Dt shot.  “It’s on the
leg.” She said. She estimated how Secret Room registered damage.  “They
have one person with only 70% health left.”
She just didn’t know where this person was hiding.
Solo’s team had landed in the open.  After the exchange of fire, Dt led his
team into hiding again.
Since Solo’s team had been exposed from the beginning, they had no choice
but to stay on the offensive.

Solo looked through the scope of his gun and took a look around. He shortly
found a blood stain.
They were at the second level now.  The first level was below them and
further down was the cabins below the deck.  The layout of the cabins was
overly complex. It was difficult to defend and difficult to attack as well.  Dt
would never enter the cabins.
So, the fighting must all occur on the third and the fourth levels at the decks
with the pools.
Solo made a quick assessment.  “Ai Qing and All go down the ramp.  Gun
follow me to sweep the second level.”
Ai Qing pursed up her mouth.  “You’re asking me to go down a ramp again.”
Ramps are very dangerous in first person shooters.  An opponent with a
sharp eye and steady aim could shoot the instant they saw your head or foot.  
So it required skill to go up or down a ramp. There were many rookies that
just run down the ramp carelessly and die to a headshot.
Ai Qing switched to her pistol and moted towards the ramp.
This ramp had a square entrance.  It was a little narrow. She had to go down
at least 1/3 of it to be able to jump forward to roll onto the first level.

“I go first, you follow.” Ai Qing aimed her pistol at the horizon.
She walked close to the entrance, repeatedly squatted and aimed, slowly
moving down.  Her vision to the front opened wide gradually…….while she
was looking for opponents, she moved closer and closer to the 1/3 location.
Good.  Only a little bit more, only a little bit more------
She made sudden forward somersault.  A split second later, the place where
she just was now had two bullet holes.
Very accurate.
If she wasn’t a professional, she would have been out long time ago.

The minute Ai Qing touched the ground, she switched to her sniper rifle and
crouched to defend herself.  All jumped to the ground right after her. She took
two steps back. A dark shadow suddenly showed up in her scope.  As she was
pulling the trigger, the shadow had already reached her. He crashed into her.
The two rolled into the swimming pool that was two meters away.
Ai Qing didn’t have a chance to react before falling in.
She lost her balance.  She struggled out of the opponent’s embrace.  Her feet
touched the bottom of the swimming pool and turned around to see the person
who had shoved her into the swimming pool…...Dt.
There had never been any large swimming pool in any mission before.  Even
when there was the ocean, it was only in the background. Under several meters
of water, what would be the result of their fight as they could not use guns?
She didn’t know, even Dt couldn’t possibly know.
Under the water, their characters could only hold their breath for 65 seconds.

She had to kill Dt within a minute and take the last 5 seconds to get out of the
pool, or…...she would die by Dt’s hands.

Translated by Team DHH at


  1. What!!! ..thank you for the chapter..

  2. Oh oh i didn't think they would confront each other so soon
