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Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Those Sweet Times - Chapter 6 Part 1

Translated by Team DHH at

Those Sweet Times
Chapter 6 Part 1

The reality was that there were times when RMB was not of much help.
The second match, Chuyan, still played Ying Zheng but was constantly
harassed by the enemy’s Assassin and died miserably. In the game,
Ying Zheng was a Mage; though he had abilities that made it easier to
protect himself than a champion like Xiao Qiao, a mage was still the
weakest role in the game.

Xiang Nuan was thinking of buying a Ying Zheng as well, but she decided
against it after seeing Chuyan die again and again together with her.

She recalled the often mentioned phrase in those strategy books for new
players: There’s no bad champion, only bad plays.

Playing Ying Zheng, it was impossible to kill everyone; but without him, one
shouldn’t lose all the time. The key was a one’s playerstyle and the type of
the champions that matched their style. Someone could played the ugly Arthur,
which was given to her for free, and win all the way to Master.

After the match was over, Chuyan began analyzing the match to Xiang Nuan:
For that match, we didn’t have a good lineup.

Xiang Nuan thought to herself, excuse.

Chuyan: We didn’t have a tank.

A tank’s role was to be in front of the team and soak up damage, like a sturdy
wall that protected the weak champions of his own team. With the protection
of a tank, a marksman and mage could hide behind the tank and barrage the
enemy, acting like artillery.

That should be the most efficient and ideal setup.

Xiang Nuan felt Chuyan’s analysis make a lot sense.

It’s Nuannuan: Is that so.

Chuyan: You play tank for the next match.

It’s Nuannuan: Why me. = =

Chuyan: Because you have an advantage.

It’s Nuannuan: Oh?

Chuyan: You’re not afraid of death.

It’s Nuannuan: ……………….

It’s Nuannuan: You don’t have to be so explicit……

Chuyan: You play tank.

Xiang Nuan was persuaded. She felt that it was kind of amazing that Chuyan,
though he didn’t seem to be a reliable person, could always persuade her with
absurd arguments. It could count as one of his talents.

She then checked her list of champions. She had 3 tank champions as of now.
Two of them were given to her for free: Arthur and Xiang Yu. These two champions
were muscular and bulky, one from the west and the other from the east. Their
appearance was somewhat difficult for Xiang Nuan to accept.

The third one was Zhuang Zhou, who costed only 888 gold in the store and was
the cheapest among all the champions. Xiang Nuan bought him.

Zhuang Zhou’s appearance was of a teenager who was dozing off on the back
of a large fish. He didn’t look like a human shield at all, yet his introduction trailer
indicated that he was a tank.

Then she move Zhuang Zhou to meet up with Chuyan.

This time Chuyan didn’t use Ying Zheng because someone in the team had
already chosen to be a mage. He decided to take care of the line up of their team
and picked a marksman.

The marksman he chose was one of the favorites of all the newbies-- --Luban No. 7.

Luban No. 7 was a robot, a very small one and as cute as Xiao Qiao. Xiang Nuan
saw the champion Chuyan played and couldn’t help but break out into laughter.

Zhuang Zhou ran very fast on the back of the fish, Luban couldn’t catch up with
its short legs.

Chuyan: Wait for me.

It’s Nuannuan: Alright. Hahahahaha!

Chuyan: ……

After a few minutes into the game, Xiang Nuan had a new discovery.

It’s Nuannuan: Zhuang Zhou’s voice sounds so good!

After a while, Chuyan: Boy crazy.

They saw on the mini map that there was team fight and hurried over to help.
Xiang Nuan rushed into the crowd on the fish and noticed that her ultimate was
ready. She tapped the ultimate ability, which was quite powerful, and instantly
removed the crowd control on her teammates and reduced incoming damage.

There was a teammate who played Han Xin that had been stunned by the enemy
and couldn’t move at all. His health was dropping and would had died soon after.
Xiang Nuan’s ultimate had come at the right time and immediately removed the stun
from Han Xin. With a sliver of health, Han Xin jumped and retreated from the battlefield.
He seemed very grateful for his successful escape.

Heartless-blossom: Thank you.

Xiang Nuan felt warm when she read the words on the team’s chat channel. For
the past few days since she started playing this game, what she had seen on the
chat were mostly curses and taunting. Though she acted as if she didn’t really care,
deep down she still felt bad and ashamed. But today, there was someone thanking her.

She felt great and satisfied, it felt even better than the time she had finally collected
everything for making the Shaoyan Qingcheng outfit when she was playing Miracle Nikki.
(Shaoyan Qingcheng is a very difficult outfit to get in Miracle Nikki.)

After the team fight, Xiang Nuan miraculously survived. Indeed, a tank had its advantages.

Then she replied to the message left by the person who played Han Xin.

It’s Nuannuan: You’re welcome. Glad to help.

Heartless-blossom: Are you a girl?

It’s Nuannuan: Yeah, are you as well?

Heartless-blossom: I’m male. :-D

Chuyan: Stop flirting, come here.

Chuyan’s sudden message interrupted the conversation.

Chuyan’s Luban was under attacked from 3 big guys and was shivering in the bush
behind the turret right now, hiding. Though he had successfully retreated, the 3 big
guys wouldn’t leave him alone.

Xiang Nuan hurriedly turned the fish around to walk over to Chuyan. She sent out
a message while walking away.

It’s Nuannuan: I’m coming, poor little one.

Chuyan: ……

Translated by Team DHH at