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Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Those Sweet Times - Chapter 3 Part 1

Translated by Team DHH at

Those Sweet Times
Chapter 3 Part 1

The following were some of Chuyan’s Moments.

October 13: How one feels after eating steamed buns and pickled mustard for
a week. (With picture of the steamed buns)

October 8: Hungry, I want to steal if from them. (With picture of stray cats eating
roasted sausages)

September 26: Can’t afford to buy a new one, sewing it up myself. (With picture
of a rip on the T shirt)


Xiang Nuan couldn’t believe her eyes. She had seen many Moments where
people show off how rich they were. This was the first time she had seen anybody
showing off how poor he was. From the tone of his Moments, it seemed that he
didn’t feel embarrassed or frustrated about being poor. On the contrary…...he seemed
to be proud about it?

Which planet did this weirdo come from……

Xiang Nuan was so curious that she wanted to ask him about it, but it was a
personal matter. Besides, she had only known him for a couple days online, it wasn’t
proper to pry into it. She suppressed the urge to ask and went back to her game.

Chuyan told Xiang Nuan in game: I’m busy tomorrow, play by yourself.

Xiang Nuan thought Chuyan might need to work tomorrow, even though it was
Saturday, since he was so poor. She answered: Yeah, ok.

Chuyan told her again: Tomorrow, just do practice matches, don’t play with other

It’s Nuannuan: Why?

Chuyan: So you’ll wreck fewer people’s games, it’ll be like doing a few good deeds.

It’s Nuannuan: …...Go to hell.

Xiang Nuan was indeed not that confident playing with others; she would certainly be
scolded by her teammates. With Chuyan, though her teammates still yelled at her, at
least she felt she wasn’t the only reason for their loss…...QAQ

They played till 10 o’clock that night. Xiang Nuan asked Chuyan: You don’t have to
get up early for work tomorrow?

Chuyan: I don’t have work tomorrow.


Xiang Nuan was confused and asked him: Then what are you going to do tomorrow?

Chuyan: Earning community service credits.

It’s Nuannuan: Then you……

Then how do you make a living…...She actually wanted to ask him but afraid that she
would offend him.

Chuyan: What about me?

It’s Nuannuan: It’s nothing.

Chuyan: Wait, let me get my night snack.

It’s Nuannuan: I envy the one who has night snacks.

Chuyan: Hungry?

It’s Nuannuan: Hungry.

Chuyan: Want some crawfish?

It’s Nuannuan: Yeah……

Chuyan: I can eat it right now.

It’s Nuannuan: Haha, you must be joking. Is your crawfish puffy white and go with
the pickled mustard?

Chuyan: ……

Chuyan didn’t response for a few minutes. As Xiang Nuan thought that he might be
angry at her, he sent a picture.

Fiery red crawfish crowded in a take out box, half of which were soaked in the sauce,
looked quite appetizing.

It looked even more enticing especially so late in the night.

Xiang Nuan couldn’t help licking her lips, partially from envy and partially out of
confusion. She asked him: Since you have money to order crawfish, why do you
post on your Moments that you eat steamed buns everyday?

Chuyan: It’s just for fun.

-- --

Lin Chuyan leaned against the chair in his dorm room with one hand holding his
cell phone. After he sent the last message, he noticed that the hip of crawfish he had
just brought back had diminished a bit already.

His roommates were like a bunch of famished wolves.

Lin Chuyan: “Save some for me.”

Lin Chuyan was always at a disadvantage when fighting for limited food-- --He ate
too slowly.

Zheng Dongkai’s lips were all red, with crawfish in both hands, and asked Lin Chuyan
while chewing, “Why didn’t you buy more of it?”

Zheng Dongkai was Lin Chuyan’s high school classmate and college roommate. His
hair was dyed light brown and he was wearing a dog tag like necklace. He dressed
boldly so that members of the opposite sex would notice him.

Lin Chuyan didn’t respond to Zheng Dongkai. He lowered his head and saw on his
phone that  It’s Nuannuan had sent a string of ellipses.

Zheng Dongkai asked again, “Chuyan, can you lend me some money? I’ve spent my
allowance for this month.”

“Ok, wait till I go donate my sperm tomorrow.”

Zheng Dongkai choked and started to cough. He patted his chest after a wave of
uncontrollable cough and said, “No need. Your health is more important.”

The other two roommates, Maomaoqiu and Dayu, looked at them in confusion.

After a while, Zheng Dongkai gave out a long sigh and said sadly, “I miss so much
the days back in high school when I could borrow money from you.”

Lin Chuyan also visibly drooped, “Same here.”

During high school, money came to him like water flowing from an open faucet; it
came easily and seemed endless. He could spend it however he wanted.

But now…...Sigh.

Translated by Team DHH at