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Monday, March 12, 2018

Secret Room Book 3 - Chapter 36

Translated by Team DHH at

Playing Fish Trapped in Secret Room
Book 3: Glory on the Other Side
Chapter 36

Ai Qing also put on earphones to listen to her team’s voice chat channel.  
People from the other training rooms all came over to watch the match
once they had heard that the Secret Room team was playing against their
Scandinavian arch enemy.  It was an off day anyways so it didn’t hurt to
have some fun.
“Aiyo, the news spread so fast.”  All laughed. “Buff and Taoao’s teams
are all online watching.  K&K is here too.”
Ai Qing slanted her eyes to see the viewer count at the right side of
Slide’s computer screen.
The game system automatically displayed the list of viewers’ names
in order of their rank.
The top three were, from top to bottom, Dt, Slide and Taotao.  But
since Slide was playing the match, Taotao was the first name listed,
meaning that Dt was not among the viewers.

As she was distracted, the mission type appeared on screen: Heart of City.
The mission rules were as follows.
1) The bandits have planted a bomb somewhere in the city.  If the bomb
is not diffused within 30 minutes, the bandits win.
2) If the police defuse the bomb within 30 minutes, the police win.
3) In this game type, only the police can buy a mortar, hand grenade,
and incendiary grenades.  But these 3 weapons can detonate the bomb.
If the police detonate the bomb, the bandits win.
4) Whichever team kills all 5 enemy players win.

Slide blew a whistle.  “Nice. It’ll be perfect if we get to be police.”
Their assigned team appeared: Police.
Everyone gave a thumbs up, their captain was great, like their lucky charm.

The match countdown began.
Ten seconds.
The screen turned dark.
When the map appeared onscreen, Ai Qing couldn’t help but chuckle.
“Damn.  It’s Disneyland.”  Following laughed, “The hell, how can I live with
myself shooting a gun here.”
Though they threw jokes about it, Slide already gave the instruction to
purchase weapons:  “4A1D. Mortar.”
The 4A1D formation meant 4 Attack with 1 Defense.
They quickly bought their weapons.
Inin had the mortar, Bug, Following, and All had AK47 assault rifles plus a
hand grenade.  Slide had a sniper rifle.

The police were on the offensive in this mission type.
The only difficulty was that RAP could change the bomb’s location at any
time during the 30 minutes, playing a hide and seek game with SP.  The
theme park had many small buildings, it was too easy to hide a bomb in a
hidden corner.
The SP onlookers behind the five players were all thinking about tactics.
How would Slide play?  Nobody knew.
Only the five players and Ai Qing, who was listening in, knew the tactics.

The sun shone on an eerily quiet Disneyland.
Inin walked forward holding the mortar while muttering,  “It’s a shame to
blow it up……”
All laughed, “Little Inin, you have the heart of a teenage girl. You aren’t
going to marry someone from the club, are you?”
Inin gloomily murmured, “But I’m straight.”
Everyone laughed; his Chinese had improved a lot.
Slide looked down the scope of his sniper rifle, scanning the distance.
There were various statues of Disney characters and castles.  It was
too easy to hide.
“Go scout.”  Slide said.
Following and All put away their guns and quickly took the position at
the flanks of the squad.

One minute later, Following reported a location.  “213, 47. Northwest.”
Ten seconds later, All reported another location:. “213, 213.  Northeast.”
“Mortar.”  Slide didn’t say anything else.
It was an order to Inin.
Inin didn’t speak and began to bombard the two locations.  There was
a constant stream of locations followed by a short series of explosions.
The sky was alight with fire, the young boy, covered by Slide and Bug,
focusing on blasted each location that was reported back.
Buildings collapsed one after another.

Inin fired with precision, not a single shell was wasted.
Inin was an expert with the mortar.

The onlookers understood their strategy now. To deal with the theme
park map, the most convenient way was to destroy everything they
could in sight to eliminate locations the bandits can hide in.  Following
and All were sent to scout buildings to confirm that there was no enemy
inside. Because RAP’s players carried the bomb, if it detonated, then
SP lose.

The scouts, Following and All, both returned to their original position.  
They threw out all of the grenades that they carried to help destroy the
buildings faster.  Any building which was not destroyed by Inin was
turned to rubble by grenades.
“Done~”  Inin chimed in quite happily.
The five stood at the shelter outside the haunted house.  Their entire
view was a firestorm, of burning ruins.
Only the haunted house in front of them remained.
The haunted house?
Their view was obstructed.  The passages were narrow and twisted.  
They needed to disperse to look for the bomb.  This was like a 1V1
duel in a secret room.
Very well, they don’t even need to use guns.
They were not K&K which had two weak players and were afraid of
acting alone.

“Brothers.”  Slide’s voice passed through the whole channel,  “Let’s
start killing.”
The five monitors in a row showed that they all simultaneously
pulled out daggers.

They disappeared into the haunted house.

Translated by Team DHH at


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. These people . . . They're the "Police"! POLICE!!! Tactic-wise, it's good. But the essence of the roleplay is lost. At this rate, they caused more damage than the bandits.πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

  3. Thanks for the chapterπŸ˜„πŸ˜„
