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Tuesday, December 5, 2017

The Most Majestic You - Chapter 26 Part 1

Translated by Team DHH at

The Most Majestic You
Chapter 26 Part 1

They assisted Qianxi to the rest area and helped her take off the bear costume. She had scraped her knee, a small red patch of skin stood out on her smooth white leg. Xu Jimo asked a staff member to bring a first aid kit. Qianxi sat on a high chair, bent over to apply disinfectant on herself.

Li Cang and Cheng Yang pretended to play a game at the side, while enjoying their boss’ expression. If the news about the boss letting Qianxi fall because he refused her bear hug got leaked out, it would further confirm his cold image among his fangirls……

Xu Jimo watched her slowly tend to her wound with a stone face. Everytime she applied the disinfectant solution, she would stop, close her eyes and turn her head away, waiting for the stinging pain to fade away before she applied again.

Finally, he couldn’t stand it any longer. He took the Q-tip from her hand.

“Stop! I’m a professional……” Though there’s a saying that doctors can’t treat themselves.

Xu Jimo squatted down and held her knee by placing his palm under it. Qianxi uneasily twitched from the contact and turned to look the other way, “You… gentle……”

Though he verbally agreed, it was difficult to describe his actions as “gentle.”

Qianxi cried out, then tightened her throat, feeling sorry for herself.

To Xu Jimo, it was better to get it over with when applying medication to the wound, painful or not. He felt that he had been very gentle already, but towards the end, he acted especially careful and told her, “Cry out if it’s painful. Don’t hold it back, there’s no one looking at you.”

Li Cang and Cheng Yang hurriedly covered their eyes with their jackets.

Qianxi bit her lower lip, “I’ll do it myself……”

He unexpectedly smiled, “Not accepting my apology?”

“......uhm?” Apology?

He put a bandage on for her and raised his head, “Next time, squeak first before you come closer. Don’t make a sneak attack.”

So that counted as a sneak attack……

She abruptly made a sound, “Squeak.”


“Squeak……” She sat on the high chair, swinging her legs back and forth, deliberately dragging the word. Then she jumped off the chair, “See, it doesn’t work when I squeak. You won’t walk over to me, so I have to walk towards you.”

Xu Jimo seemed nonchalant. When she stood up, his first move was to touch her forehead.

When he was treating her wound earlier, he felt that her body temperature seemed a bit abnormal. Her forehead was hot as he had suspected.

Qianxi jumped away like she had been shocked. But it was too late…...had she been found out? She stared at him innocently.

He asked, “Did you have a fever when you left home?”

“It’s almost gone now……”

Looks like she had a fever before today.

Xu Jimo coldly stared at her. It seemed inappropriate to scold her; he had just apologized for letting her fall. It would seem insincere if he lost his temper on her. He tried his best to control the tone of his voice, “Aren’t you always paying attention to people’s health? Why run around like this when you have a fever?”

How to answer such a question…...Not to be outdone, Qianxi simply shot back a question of her own, “Then, why don’t you reply to my messages?”

She was becoming a handful for Xu Jimo.

He turned his face away without a word.

Her clear voice cut from behind, “So what if I have a cold and a fever? At the worst, I’ll just be stuffy, have a heavy head, lose my appetite…...and all these symptoms will be aggravated if I don’t see you.”

Qianxi just wouldn’t drop the topic, she rose her head and asked again, “So, why don’t you reply? Why did you return my card? Now it’s your turn to answer.”

Li Cang and Cheng Yang couldn’t stay in the same room with them anymore. They dashed out of the room. Damn, if they knew from the beginning, they would be like Cherry who had gone home directly after they finished their event.

It was the most embarrassing thing to witness, a lovers’ quarrel!

Besides…...the young lady boss was so vigorous. The boss didn’t seem able to say anything……

The room instantly cleared.

Their quick escape roused Qianxi: Wow, what she just said, the fever must be burning her brain……

“Because it’s better for you this way.”

Xu Jimo leaned onto a high chair behind him, “Since we’ve entered the official competition, the club has received sponsorship. There’s no need for any emergency funding now.”

He calmly continued, “It’s more important to take care of the real issue in one’s life than being dramatic. Rather than throwing money into the river, it’s better to use it wisely. What Qin Xiao offers is a good opportunity, for you, not me.”

Qianxi’s overheated head couldn’t process all of this information, “What are you…...talking about……”

“What I’m saying is that you can try it. Do something your parents would approve without relying on them. Let them know that you are fully capable of taking the responsibility for your own life. For example, invest in something they would approve.”

She understood the reasoning, but…… “That day, you said we would have a good talk after the game. You meant you wanted to talk about this?”

He paused a bit, then said, “You could say that.”

“Nothing…...nothing else?”

Translated by Team DHH at


  1. Ahh why is he making such decisions for her. Xu Jimo! This is not good. That’s what she’s running away from her parents for

  2. I was rooting for them then suddenly...wth just happened?
