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Tuesday, September 12, 2017

The Most Majestic You - Chapter 14 Part 1

The Most Majestic You
Chapter 14 Part 1

Her mind was in turmoil.  Had she said anything weird just now?  Obviously everything was normal.  Why did it all of a sudden…...become so ambiguous……

She closed her eyes and repeated to herself silently: calm down, calm down, calm down.  They were all grownups, she shouldn’t let her imagination run wild just because of few brazen remarks.  What if he didn’t mean that and was just merely…...admiring her?

But nobody tries to praise a person like that!

A maelstrom of ideas raged inside her mind.  Qianxi waited for the storm to subside before courageously turning her head towards Xu Jimo…...only to find that he had fallen asleep again.

Sleep, sleep, sleep, how could he sleep so much!  She was even worried about his sleep quality a moment ago.  He remained still.

She rubbed her shoulder.  It was really sore.

From the moment after she was teased, Qianxi refused to speak to him.  After they got off the airplane, Cheng Yang and Li Cang came alive again, jumping here and there. They came to chat with her, but she refused and behaved very unnaturally.

The two young men were confused by it all: just before they slept, wasn’t the boss teaching her how to play all sweet like?  Why did her personality take a complete turnabout the moment they got off the plane.  What happened when they were sleeping?!

Xu Jimo quietly waited in the baggage claim area waiting for their luggage.  Qianxi saw her white suitcase appear and ran over to the baggage carousel.  But someone had already taken it off the conveyer belt.

“Are you mad?”  He pulled out the handle and pulled it away before she could object.

This guy’s controlling the situation by holding a hostage, her suitcase.  Qianxi could only jog after him.  “No…..alright, yes, but only a little bit, but it’s not important.  Hey, slow down a bit……”

Xu Jimo carried one bag on his shoulder, then stretched out one spare hand to drag her.  “Don’t be mad.”

“I didn’t mean it.”  He said.

What do you mean….didn’t mean it.

Qianxi became too busy deciphering what he meant that she forgot to fight back.  By the time she recovered, they were already by the side of the shuttle bus that the organizer had prepared for them.  She twisted her wrist out from his hand and sat at the least row with a stiff expression,  the further from him, the better.

Cheng Yang and Li Cang continued to silently communicate with their eyes and eyebrows:  What?  So the two had a fight, the boss couldn’t save it, and the young lady boss got angry and doesn’t want to talk to anybody?

Ah, there were more and more ups and downs on the development of their relationship……

What happened next to Qianxi exactly matched the saying:  “When one person’s against you, then the whole world will be against you.”  After they finally arrived at the hotel that had been booked for them by the organizer, as she was planning to go into her own little dark room to have some quiet, she learned devastating news.  The organizer arranged three rooms for them because they didn’t expect a female team manager in an esports team.  There was no more room available in the hotel.  Because they arrived so late at night, they had to wait until the next day to make any adjustment.

In other words, there had to be one boy living with her.

Every member of KG scattered immediately to one of the two rooms.  Only Qianxi and Xu Jimo were left behind.

Qianxi caught the slowest, Wei Lai, with her quick hands.  She made an effort to keep smiling.  “Since there are only three rooms, then you and I can stay in one room.  Anyway you are young, so just think it’s…...aunty take you out for a tour?”

Wei Lai’s face flushed scarlet.  Though he was indeed very young, but Qianxi Jie was too young to be an “aunty”!

“No? I’m so nice to you, aren’t you willing to sacrifice a little bit?”  Qianxi was desperate.

Wei Lai silently resisted.  He would rather die than submit to her.

Li Cang and Cheng Yang who already claimed one room heard the noise outside.  They poked heads out to see Qianxi “harass an underage boy.”

Li Cang leaned on the door frame and blew the whistle.  “Aiyo, young lady boss, why don’t you say it earlier that you want to take advantage of employees?  Let the kid go.  You can take advantage of me!”  Then he started to march out of the room.

Cheng Yang desperately dragged the belt of his pants behind him.  “You idiot.  You have a death wish?”

“Damn, why’d you have to pull my pants?”

The noise from their shenanigans instantly stopped Qianxi’s attempts cold. She suddenly had nothing to say.

Wei Lai took the chance to slip into Cherry’s room and shut the door behind him, fearing that she’d try to grab him again.

Xu Jimo, who was watching on the sidelines and still carrying her suitcase, moved to swipe open the third room.

Qianxi quickly walked over to hold his hand.  “What are you doing!”  She took over her own suitcase with a slightly flushed face.  “You guys have a competition to play, so you just get a good rest.  I’m going to sleep in the lobby.”

She turned around to leave, but he dragged her back.

He finished opening the door and sent her with her suitcase into the room.  He turned on the light for her and said,  “No, I’ll go sleep in the lobby.”

“Wait, wait, wait……”  Qianxi blocked the door as he was about to close it.  Her hands grabbed his wrists firmly.  “Don’t go.”

She didn’t want him to go out, but she didn’t want him to come in either.

She was caught in the middle.

However it wouldn’t solve anything to be in a stalemate like this.

Finally, she compromised.  “I’m not an old-fashioned person…...and I don’t mean that I don’t trust you……”