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Tuesday, July 18, 2017

The Most Majestic You - Chapter 6 Part 2

The Most Majestic You
Chapter 6  Part 2

However, in front of many other computer screens, those who were friends with this alternate id had their eyes bulging out of their skulls: What the hell, did K god change his elegant and cool style and become a crossdresser?!

The innocent Qianxi, with this weird crossdresser id, started her first ranked game.

Xu Jimo frowned again.  Since this was KG’s first show in front of Qianxi, they couldn’t look too bad.  Li Cang was thinking the same as he prepared to get serious for the game.

Qianxi stared at the loading screen.  These boys were giggling just a second ago, but they all became different people as soon as they entered the game.  Their lips were pursed down and eyes focused.

<Seventh Continent> was a 5v5 MOBA[1] game requiring precise teamwork.  Qianxi’s existence surely placed them at a disadvantage from the beginning of the game.  She couldn’t help but get serious too.  She was the first to click on the jungling hero Xu Jimo just taught her.  Based on her outstanding memory she bought the recommended perks and items.  She was the first one to move out.

Her hero was a witch with the body of a deer.  It bounced and jumped as it walked.  The members of KG saw her pulling away all alone then all looked at Xu Jimo silently.  Are you sure this will work?

Xu Jimo’s eyelids were slightly lowered.  He typed the words into team chat: speed push.

KG members responded with an OK, then they moved into top, mid, and bot lanes.

Qianxi’s mission was very simple: go into the jungle, call the big bear monster over, and beat the little bears to death.

Because her work was overly simple, she mechanically called, killed monsters, called, killed monsters…...while viewing the others to see what they were doing.  Cherry was at top playing a large spider, which was hiding inside a spider web.  He was craftily ordering over a dozen spiders to attack enemy and kill minions.  Li Cang and Cheng Yang were at bot.  One was last hitting and the other to gain extra experience.  They all looked peaceful.  As for mid…...why was Xu Jimo at the opposite side of the river?  Wasn’t that the enemy’s territory, weren’t we not allowed there?!

Two heros from each side were entangled together.  Xu Jimo’s white dressed mage rapidly fired wind, thunder, and fire, the three assault abilities.  Big letters appeared on screen, “First Blood”.

As the high ranked match ended, Qianxi didn’t feel an ounce of pressure.  KG showed their usual excellent coordination and executed their speed push to perfection.  They finished the game within the first fifteen minutes.  The moment the enemy’s ancient collapsed, Qianxi even strode her character’s little hooves up close to take a screenshot.

It seemed pretty easy?

The last scene that the enemy saw was as follows: The opponent’s jungler they hadn’t seen for the entire game raised one it’s hooves and stood majestically on the ancient they had guarded.  And this player even had the gall to type a face into the public chat.  ~\\(≧▽≦)/~

This…...this was taunting to the fullest extent!

Li Cang collapsed and leaned on Cheng Yang’s shoulder.  “Fortunately, their mid wasn’t at the same level as boss.  It would’ve been hard to play if we encountered a player like Tundra.”

Qianxi blinked her eyes in confusion.  “Who is Tundra?”

“He is a professional player from the same era as boss.  He dominated from the first season up to now.  It is said that no one could compete against him before the sixth season.”

Qianxi wanted to learn more.  “Then is he stronger or is your boss?”

“This……”  Li Cang pushed Cheng Yang.  “This will offend some people.  You answer it.”

Cheng Yang glanced at him with spite.  “Damn.  You dug the hole, fill it up yourself.”

“Is it difficult to answer……”  Qianxi glanced at Xu Jimo.  He seemed indifferent as he open the ranking list with a poker-face.

Relying on their speed push tactic, they carried Qianxi through another two games.  She started to seriously overestimate her own ability. When the other four gathered in preparation for a team fight in their current game, Qianxi also chose a round about and gloomy road and quietly moved close to them……

The skirmish could happen at any moment.  Cherry walked at the front of the team and with one careless mistake died instantly.  KG lost one of their heavy hitters and fell into 3v5 struggle.  After Xu Jimo and Li Cang killed one of the enemy carries, as they waited on their cooldowns, the enemy counter attacked.  Fortunately, the professional support Cheng Yang blocked the river entry using his body buying time to cover the two’s escape.  Li Cang finally demonstrated that he truly was a professional player as he perfectly executed hit and run tactics.  He and Xu Jimo dragged the remaining four heroes across almost half the map.

Qianxi watched the six dots grow closer and closer to her on the map.  They were going to find her soon, so she closed her eyes and threw out all of her abilities!


Four giant Chuanyun ropes[2] popped out from underground.  The four enemies became dizzy and suffered five hundred points of damage from the “Fae Witch (Night Shift Little Nurse)”.  The difference in health instantly reversed.  Xu Jimo and Li Cang attacked in tandem with their abilities and finished with an Ultra Kill.

As the enemy waited to revive, they typed in the public chat.  “Damn”  “Forgot they still have a elf mage”  “Glory Combo”......Li Cang excitedly typed as sneer in return.  “Yes, yes.  Our boss didn’t go into action.  Once he went into action, he collapsed the entire ground! Collapsed!”

Boss?  Did he mean her?  Qianxi stared at the screen trying to make sense of it all before Xu Jimo called her to destroy a tower.  She looked at the compliments that kept flooding in ion public chat, while glancing at Xu Jimo.

But she saw he had turned around to her and asked mercilessly.  “Is it that you don’t know what just happened?

“......”  He could see through even this.

Xu Jimo took over Qianxi’s mouse and drew an precise circle on the map.  “The range of your ability is only 500.  The opponent’s crowd control was right at the edge.  If you had threw it a little bit off and missed him, then they could’ve fought back like this.”  He simulated and showed her on the map, every word was exact, like a mathematician reading out a formula.

His eyebrows slightly pulled to the center while he was talking.  His focused eyes gleamed.  He was no longer that awkward businessman who had to deal with her courteously for financial support.  And he was not that light and calm stranger whose mind was impenetrable.  He was a lively person.

He was so earnest that it seemed to border on self-admiration, but he did have lively mix of emotions.

At the end, he happily patted her head.  “I didn’t realize that you were so talented.”

Qianxi looked at his slightly trembling eyelash, suddenly she…...forgot what she was going to say before.

[1]: MOBA stands for Multiplayer Online Battle Arena, Defense of The Ancients (DotA) being the game that made the genre and the most popular MOBA being League of Legends (LoL).

[2]: 穿云索, some ability that means “penetrating cloud rope.”  As the game is made up, there’s no English term and “penetrating cloud rope” sounds like nonsense, and so we’ll be using Chinese names for abilities from here on out.