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Saturday, April 29, 2017

Undefeated - League of Legends - Book 1: Chapter 32

Book 1: The Return of the Lost King
Chapter 32: The Inactive ID

Inside the team dormitory, members of Team Hell sat around Qinguangwang’s computer.

The video was short, yet by the end they had all been enthralled. Even Qinguangwang himself discovered some brilliant moves in Zyra’s play which he hadn’t noticed during the game.

After they watched the video attentively, observing every move of Zyra the support, they had further confirmed their speculation earlier!

“This guy plays like a professional player.” Coach Huang Kang commented.

People who played professional games could easily tell whether the opponent was a professional or not from the tiniest of moves. Coach Huang Kang was an experienced analyst, he made the comment from just the short clip he had just seen.

Professional players have very high APM.  He would automatically position himself perpendicular to an enemy’s directional abilities; each of his seemingly causal moves has a clear objective; the timing of every ability is precise…...

These were traits of a professional player.

“Wow, look at that! He blocked the hook with his flower!”

“Yeah, he’s a quick thinker!”

Everyone was amazed by his ability to play Zyra. Even those more prideful and skeptical members widened their eyes.

Indeed, few supports could discern the intentions of his opponent so well as well as anticipate the mistakes of his teammate.

“Ay, Qinguang, double flashing there was a bit rash……” When coach Huang Kang saw Qinguangwang’s risky and wild attack, he slightly shook his head. But he stopped talking when he saw Zyra move, his mouth remained half opened.

“He’s fast, too fast. He hit you with exhaust before you could even attack! !” The coach said in amazement.

Qinguangwang flashing twice was a very sudden move, yet Zyra seemed to expect it and placed exhaust on Qinguangwang’s Ezreal the moment Ezreal landed!

Huang Kang clearly knew that this seemly easy move was something even some professional players couldn’t achieve!

All the other moves that followed surprised the coach even more. If they put this video online, it definitely would be one of their top ten videos. It was really brilliant!

Though it was a less than twenty minutes of play in the early stage of the game, Huang Kang could tell the person who was controlling Zyra wasn’t just a good player. He was sure that this player had some professional training!

“Coach, what do you think?” Qinguangwang said.

Before the coach spoke, another member, Cujiangwang opened his mouth first, “I think this Zyra is very skillful. We all know about Yi Qin jie’s ability, under normal circumstances, you two wouldn’t have any problem beating the two of them. But, this Zyra blocked you and neither of you gained any advantage from those two fights. If it isn’t for Yi Qin’s mistakes…..who knows which side would win.”

The Coach nodded and replied, “It’s true. Qinguangwang, have you added him as your friend?”

“I tried. But he quit the game just as Yi Qin jie did, I’m not sure whether he has received my message.” Qinguangwang said.

“En, remember his id. I would like to meet him if I get the chance.” The coach said.

“Coach, aren’t we making a big deal out it? Maybe he was just having a good day; it was only less than twenty minutes. We sometimes meet skilled players when we play ranked after all.”

“As I have said, this guy plays like a pro. With proper training, he would be a top player for certain.” The coach earnestly said.

“I’ll keep an eye on him!” Qinguangwang nodded. He felt the same way as the coach about this player, even though they had only fought each other for a very short time.

Yet, when top players faced each other in the field, a short period of time was all it took to acknowledge the other’s strength.


In the following days, Qinguangwang would send out a friend request to that id whenever he was using his alternate id.

Unfortunately, the other side never responded.

Qinguangwang thought it was quite strange for such a good player to be offline for several days. He then checked the LoL box to see his game records.

Qinguangwang found that he almost always partnered with Yi Qin to play.

Qinguangwang didn’t give up on him; he checked his game records daily. Unfortunately, this guy hadn’t been on for three weeks.

Qinguangwang even tried to contact Yi Qin, but she was out of the country and never went online as well. Qinguangwang was somewhat disappointed……


As Qinguangwang was constantly checking on him, Yu Luocheng had indeed stopped playing for three weeks.

At first, Yu Luocheng thought Yi Yi was just in a bad mood that day and she would be alright in a few days. But a month later, Yi Yi still hadn’t showed up.

She was not on the game, not on QQ; Yu Luocheng didn’t even have her phone number and therefore, couldn’t call her……

She disappeared from his world in an instant, without any trace.

For quite a long time, Yu Luocheng was used to get online to chat with her every week, play ranked with her, joke around, or try to find out something about each other’s private life. He had always been curious yet never dared to cross that line.

When this kind of interaction became a habit, it had become one of the things he looked forward to every weekend. Yu Luocheng had also considered her as an important friend in his life though he hadn’t heard her pretty voice until that day……

Then suddenly one day she disappeared under very strange circumstance without a word. In the weeks following that day, his expectations had turned into a sense of loss. He would mistakenly think that her QQ icon was flashing and opened it only to find that it was still grey……

He was confused and lost.

He didn’t remember who had said that learning can fulfill a person. For the past month, Yu Luocheng had concentrated on his studies, his grades had gone up, yet he didn’t feel fulfilled at all. In actuality, he had become even more anxious.

There was no response from her after two months……

On the sixtieth day, Yu Luocheng had lost all hope. This woman had indeed disappeared.

She had turned off her internet.

Yu Luocheng could only helplessly accept the fact.

Despite that, he still kept the habit of checking on QQ from time to time.

He would maintain the elo on his id and wait for Xue Yi Yi to come back online so they could be partners again to strive for an even higher rank.

If she never showed up again, then there was no point for him to use that id anymore.


“I hope it’s not because she’s terminally ill or something……” Yu Luocheng tried to find a reason for Yi Qin.

But then he felt bad about even having such a thought like that.
