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Saturday, April 15, 2017

Undefeated - League of Legends - Book 1: Chapter 30

Book 1: The Return of the Lost King
Chapter 30: Are You Blaming Me?

“You’re awesome.” Yi Qin excitedly said.

“I got the kill, so we are still at a disadvantage.” Yu Luocheng shook his head.

“It’s already good enough. You probably don’t know how high these two guys rank in LoL for our country. It’s quite rare for an amateur player to kill one of them without the help of a jungler. You’re quite good.” Yi Qin praised him.

All along, Yi Qin knew her partner was a good player; without his help, she wouldn’t have reached 2000 so easily.

Yet, Yi Qin didn’t expect that he would be so calm and outstanding when facing professional players. If not for the fact that she had known him online for some time, Yi Qin would start to question whether he was actually still a student.

“Hehe.” Yu Luocheng laughed. It felt very good to be praised by Yi Qin.

It looked like he still got it.

But come to think of it, Qinguangwang’s series of maneuvers had been rather sudden; if his reaction time was a little bit slower, then he would have died before firing any ability!

Yu Luocheng had played many rounds of League of Legends, but this was the first time he had met such a strong and determined opponent!

Qinguangwang had made good calculations. The minion line was now pushing towards Yu Luocheng, so even if he died, Caitlyn would have a hard time to pushing the minions back while he was waiting to respawn. Besides, Thresh would surely help Ezreal control the minion line so Qinguangwang wouldn’t lose too many last hits.

Yu Luocheng was the support. There wasn’t too much benefit getting a kill himself other than buying a few more pink wards to have a better view.

Yu checked the statistics for both sides. Ezreal had one kill and his cs was still higher than Yi Qin. His equipment was better than hers too.

Yu started to worry a bit; if things kept going on like this, the disparity between the two ADCs would grow wider.


After reviving, Yu Luocheng walked towards the lane while pondering how could he minimize the gap.

“Yiyiyiyaya, yayayayiyiyi~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~”

Yu heard a cute humming sound from a girl through his earphones. It was a ringtone.

Yu Luocheng couldn’t help but laugh when he heard the sound.  “Yiyi, your ringtone is really cute.”

“I met a girl on the street who was humming it. I thought it sounded so good that I recorded it and used it as my ringtone.” Yi Qin answered with a smile.

Yi Qin lowered her head to check the phone next to her.

Her delicate eyebrows slightly furrowed when she saw the caller id.

“Why don’t you answer the phone?” Yu Luocheng asked puzzledly.

“Not going to answer. It’s a man who I dislike.” Yi Qin said.

“Your ex boyfriend?” Yu Luocheng asked.

“No. It’s my ex ex ex ex boyfriend……” Yi Qin was in a bad mood just now. But hearing Yu’s question, she couldn’t help herself from giggling.

Yu Luocheng couldn’t count exactly how many ex’s she’d said. He thought to himself, it couldn’t be true that Yi Qin had so many past boyfriends?

Yi Qin didn’t answer the phone because it was from her father again. It was probably another call to urge her to pack.

Yi Qin didn’t want to talk to him now; she just wanted to enjoy playing this game right now.

Yet, the phone kept ringing. Yi Qin got more and more irritated.

“I’ll answer the phone. I’ll be quick.” Yi Qin moved Caitlyn to a safe location.


Yu Luocheng looked at the minion lane and actually had a bad feeling.

There were over ten minions this wave.  If Yi Qin couldn’t get them, her number of cs would be ten more less than Ezreal. The gap between the two would be even larger.

Unless he could come up with the perfect offensive move, he wouldn’t have much of chance to beat the other two.


“Why haven’t you packed. You don’t listen to what I say!” A man’s stern voice came from the phone.

“Listen, listen. Why should I listen to you? As a father, have you ever really care about your daughter?” Yi Qin angrily said.

“Is that how you talk to your father……”

Yi Qin hung up the phone without waiting for him to finish. She turned the phone off and threw it to the side.


She took a few deep breathes to bury her anger, then she took a look at the computer screen.

Yi Qin didn’t want Yu Luocheng to hear that she was leaving soon, so she turned off the mic when she answered the phone.

She sat back down in front of the computer and slowly turned on the mic.

“Finished.” Yu Luocheng asked.



“Our cs gap is wider.” Yu Luocheng said.

“En.” Yi Qin absent mindedly nodded.

“Watch out. Thresh’s hook!” Yu Luocheng called out.

“Ah?” Yi Qin’s mind was in a jumble, she didn’t realize that she had made a mistake!

Thresh’s scythe firmly hooked Yi Qin’s Caitlyn. Yi Qin, flustered, used both Barrier and Flash the moment Thresh’s hook released her.

Caitlyn avoided death by using both Summoner Spells. Yu Luocheng also used Zyra’s abilities on Thresh which only depleted less than half of his health.

“Ugh.” Yu Luocheng sighed. All of that shouldn’t have happened. If there was some other mistake later on, then they would die for sure.

Yi Qin was focused when she played games and very much enjoyed playing games.

She had already forgotten the gloom that was tomorrow when she started voice chatting with Yu Luocheng.

Yet, her father’s phone call had pulled her back into the reality.

It suddenly dawned on her: tomorrow, tomorrow she would be gone.

Yi Qin hit the keyboard absent mindly, the brightness in her eyes also dimmed.

“Yiyi, they are going to attack.” Yu Luocheng reminded Yi Qin.

“Yiyi?” Yu Luocheng called her again.

Yi Qin didn’t respond. She was still farming mechanically.

Suddenly, a third person came out of the bush. It was the enemy’s jungler!

Yu Luocheng had already noticed that the jungler might be hiding inside the bush so he was warning Yi Qin to back away.

He had the awareness and reminded Yi Qin as well. Yet Yi Qin acted like she didn’t hear him at all. She was trapped by the jungler and Thresh followed suit……

Ezreal came up right after; tapping A and throwing an ability at Caitlyn.

Caitlyn’s health dropped like a rock in water. She couldn’t escape as she had already burned her Barrier and Flash earlier.

Yu Luocheng had no choice but to unleash all his abilities in the hope of giving Yi Qin a chance to get away.

Unfortunately, the enemy were all experts and they didn’t give Caitlyn any chance to get away.

Caitlyn died right there and it was Ezreal who got the kill.

Yu Luocheng clicked the tab key to check again the statistic of both sides.

Ezreal’s was again leading with three kills. Bot was in a complete disadvantage. Yu Luocheng suddenly felt powerless to reverse the situation.

Yu Luocheng roughly knew Yi Qin’s skill level. She certainly was not a professional player but she shouldn’t be acting so abnormal like today.

Yu Luocheng took this rare chance that he could play against his professional opponent very seriously and he had played attentively. However, his teammate was too absent minded. Yu Luocheng was unwilling to give up yet.

Yu Luocheng felt that he should remind Yi Qin, otherwise he would lose this contest at bot.

“Yiyi, I told you to back up. Why didn’t you listen?” Yu Luocheng lowered his voice somewhat.

Why didn’t you listen?

Why didn’t you listen! !

The tone of Yu’s voice was exactly like the man who just ordered her in the phone. Yi Qin instantly got irritated and angry! !

“Are you blaming me?” Yi Qin coldly asked.

Yu Luocheng was somewhat taken aback. His tone of voice was a bit somber and serious because he was trying to hint to Yi Qin that this game was very important to him.

“No, I just want to remind you.” Yu Luocheng replied.

“You are blaming me! !”

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