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Monday, April 10, 2017

Secret Room: Book 1 - Chapter 24

Playing Fish Trapped in Secret Room
Book 1: The Storm is Coming
Chapter 24

If a player’s skill when playing this little game could be described as “beautiful”, who would dare claim that they weren’t experts?
If the game match attracted so many onlookers watching with great interest, forgetting to even start their evening training, who would dare say that this game was not indeed splendid?

When Solo walked into the training room, he happened to hear the sound of a series of mine explosions.  Following spreaded his hands.  “Mistake.  Mistake.  Again.  Again.”
Everybody laughed.
“You guys have 30 seconds to go back to your own seats.”  Solo crossed his arms and spat out the last warning.
“Boss,  Don’t.”  Following was extremely depressed.  Though he protested verbally, he still jumped up from the chair and sat back to his own seat.  “I haven’t had enough yet.”
“Not enough?”  Solo smiled slightly and answered.  “Then come join the A team.  Then you will have plenty of time to play with them.”
“I’ve been meaning to do just that.”  Following peeled open a lollipop and stuffed it into his mouth.  He said ambiguously,  “When is the exam?”  
Solo looked at his watch.  “We’ll do the regular training.  Let’s talk about it after we finish training at 10 o’clock.”
“Okay!”  They didn’t allow smoking here, but they provided unlimited lollipops.  Following sucked on his own lollipop and he didn’t forget to throw one blueberry flavored one to Slide. “It is a deal. Save a seat for me.”

Shortly, the training room was back in training mode.
Ai Qing wandered around the two women teams, then she sneaked out of the training room. She saw Solo was smoking on the balcony by himself.  There was no light on the balcony.  It was winter and a cloudy day, so it made the glow from the cigarette sparkle prominently.
She held her hands at her back and walked over.  She spoke in a quiet voice to him,  “Following and Slide knew each other well before?”
“Can you tell?”
She nodded.  “I could tell that Following was trying to take the heat off the newcomers.”
One of the original members of SP tried to get closer to the newcomers by randomly picking up some little game to play around.  Obviously it was more effective to pull the two groups closer than any official introduction or eating at the same table.
“Are you happy?”  He asked suddenly.
Naturally Ai Qing knew what he was asking.  Of course, it was the reunion of the old team and  old friends.  “Yes,very, very, very happy.”  She admitted.  “But I also have some concerns since the average age of this team is kind of old.”
“Not too old.”  Solo didn’t seem to worry about it as much.  “When you were with me at that time, you were all young kids.  Now you're all right at a suitable age.”

When they were together at that time……
Indeed, only he and Gun were about the same age.  The average age of the other three official members plus substitutes was only fifteen years old.  They were about the same age as Inin now.
“We need one more official member.”  She spoke out her concern.  “Then how about the subs?”
No one seemed willing to be the substitute among those who had come to Korea this time.  Did he want to recruit a substitute after they went back to China?
“Substitute?”  Solo laughed.  “I’m the sub.”
……Was he joking?
Solo seemed to have a faint smile and threw out some more words,  “You’ll be their training partner.”


  1. Wow thank you for the translation! I read God's Left Hand and this novel in one go. Will patiently wait for all the yummy chapters to come. I still can't decide who I am shipping Ai Qing with, though. Hahaha. I would love to know what those two boys are thinking!

  2. Thank you for the chapter 😃😃

  3. Thank you for tye chapter! 😍

    Am I the only one who doesn't like the interaction between Appledog and Solo?
