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Saturday, March 25, 2017

Undefeated - League of Legends - Book 1: Chapter 27

Book 1: The Return of the Lost King
Chapter 27: A Downright Expert!


“This guy is so annoying. I just can’t get him!” Yi Qin said somewhat unhappily.

“No hurry. Take your time. It doesn’t matter if you can’t get him.” Yu Luochang said.

Caitlyn had the advantage of having longer range than Ezreal. Under normal circumstance, Caitlyn should be able to restrain Ezreal from last hitting.

Yet, Yi Qin didn’t find much of a chance to do it. Instead, she was hit a few times by Ezreal’s Q ability “Mystic Shot,” which was hard for Yi Qin to accept!

It was Yi Qin’s habit when playing games to always return the same blow whenever she was hit by the enemy!

After she lost some health, Caitlyn moved slightly forward. Every headshot had to be a hit on the Ezreal’s face!

Yu Luocheng was quietly observing the situation. He couldn’t help but frown when he sensed Yi Qin’s little trick.

Yu Luocheng wasn’t against Yi Qin bravely harassing Ezreal; after all, Caitlyn had a range advantage over Ezreal.

Yet her intentions was too obvious. She would poke at the enemy at every seventh headshot!

If enemy Thresh was smart, he could count the timing of headshots and would have a good chance to hook Caitlyn if Caitlyn kept following her own pattern!

Surely enough, Thresh started to move! It was right at the moment when Caitlyn used headshot!

Ezreal was moving backwards; he was purposely trying to lure Caitlyn to move outside of the minion line. This was exactly what Yu Luocheng had expected! !

“This Thresh is also an expert! !” Yu Luocheng instantly concluded.

Though Yi Qin had an elo of 2000, she evidently didn’t realize that the enemy had discerned her attack pattern and still sent out the headshot!

With the headshot, Caitlyn was outside of the minion line. Though she was only away by a step or two, the real expert could definitely grasp this opportunity!

Yu Luocheng knew she was in trouble; there was at least a 70 percent chance that Caitlyn would be hooked by Thresh.

There was no time to remind Yi Qin on voice chat. Yu Luocheng hurriedly mashed the keys on the keyboard!

He hit the Q key. Yu Luocheng used the ability “Deadly Spines” right in front of Caitlyn.

There was about 0.5 second delay for “Deadly Spines.” During the delay, Yu Luocheng swiftly hit the W key twice to plant two seeds right at the position where he casted the Deadly Spines!

The Deadly Spines exploded into spines. Though it didn’t attack anybody, it let those two seeds quickly grow into two poisonous flowers!

The moment Yu Luocheng finished these series of maneuvers, Thresh had also tossed his scythe!

Thresh was right at a 45 degree angle from Caitlyn! !

45 degree. This isn’t the angle for a selfie, rather it was the angle for a deadly hook!

Yi Qin was caught in surprise. She didn’t realize that she wasn’t able to dodge it until the enemy’s hook was flying over!

The hook was flying over at a 45 degree angle. Yi Qin out of instinct retreated backward, yet she still fell into the path of the hook!

This time there was no doubt that she would get hooked! !

“Ga~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~”

It had hooked on something!


“I got one kill.” The yellow haired young man smiled and moved Thresh back pulling on Caitlyn.

Qinguangwang also subconsciously wanted to move Ezreal up. However, when he went up closer, the expression in his eyes changed.

“Damn, what happened!” At the same time the yellow haired man shouted.

Qinguangwang was able to keep his cool.  He calmly said, “You hooked someone’s poison flower.”

“What…… what……” The yellow haired was dumbfounded for quite a while.

Indeed, he did hook something!

Yet, it was not Caitlyn but the poison flower grown by Zyra that he had hooked! !

Those two quite inconspicuous poisonous flowers were right besides Caitlyn’s feet. Yet, the yellow haired young man didn’t even know when they were planted there!

More importantly, those poisonous flowers had blocked the deadly scythe from hooking Caitlyn! !

Zyra’s poisonous flowers could block a hook? ?

What just happened had taught the yellow haired man that it totally could!

Furthermore, even if one knew about this trick, who could really grow poisonous flowers in time to block a hook on such a short notice. Besides, it wasn’t for himself but rather for his teammate! !

“Looks like we were too predictable for Zyra.” Qinguangwang tapped the keyboard and the expression in his eyes had changed from carelessness to one of concentration!

He continued calmly. “He’s, like us, had seen Caitlyn’s mistake. He even calculated the angle of your hook!”

“That’s…… impossible!” Yellow hair stared at the screen for a long time, almost forgetting to move his Thresh.

“Nothing’s impossible. At first, I was wondering why he even chose that short legged Zyra facing someone with a hook. Now I understand that it turns out that he knows how to use the flowers to block the hook. To tell you the truth, there aren’t many in the country who know about this trick. There are even fewer who can use it under that situation and successfully stop us.” Qinguangwang continued.

The yellow haired glanced at Qinguangwang and said, “What are you trying to say?”

“This guy has to be a downright expert! !”

The calm and cool eyes of Qinguangwang suddenly brightened up!

The yellow haired man had seen this kind of seriousness, concentration, and excitement in Qinguangwang only when he played in formal competitions. He just couldn’t believe he would see the famous Qinguangwang have such an expression in his eyes in this game! !

“Maybe he’s just lucky? ?” The yellow haired young man still couldn’t accept it.

It takes a lot of calculation to successfully block the hook with a flower. A normal player on the other side couldn’t possibly doing this kind of accurate calculation!

Qinguangwang didn’t say anything more. He expertly moved his Ezreal to last hit every minion and waited for the next opportunity to attack.


“That was close.” Yi Qin breathed a sigh of relief.

“Watch where you move. Don’t move in a pattern that can be easily identified.” Yu Luocheng seriously reminded her.

“I know. But how did you know that Thresh was going to attack?” Yi Qin asked.

“A man’s instinct.” Yu Luocheng coolly said.

“Man?” Yi Qin giggled and said, “More like a boy?”

Yu Luocheng didn’t respond. Yi Qin opened her mouth and wanted to tease him some more, yet she felt that Yu Luocheng was somehow acting strangely today.

It wasn’t like him to not respond to her teasing. Why didn’t he have any reaction?

Was he being shy because it was the first them they were voice chatting?

What Yi Qin didn’t know was that the professional player Qinguangwang was challenging Yu Luocheng at the moment. Since Yu’s beautiful blocking move just now, Qinguangwang had already purposely provoked Yu Luocheng several times! !

“He has a good nose!” Yu Luocheng guessed that Qinguangwang had smelled the presence of an expert. It was obvious that Qinguangwang had declared war on him!

Yu Luocheng hadn’t played a game with such focus for a long while! !

His every pore was expanding, his mind highly focused, his fingers had the sensation between shaking out of excitement and steady calm. His usual hazy, sleepy eyes had turned exceptionally sharp; it was like a statue which had been sleeping for years had suddenly opened its eyes! ! ! !

A declaration of war?

Qinguangwang, let’s have a showdown! !

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