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Saturday, March 18, 2017

Undefeated - League of Legends - Book 1: Chapter 26

Book 1: The Return of the Lost King
Chapter 26: Team Hell, Qinguangwang

“Ai, looks like you don’t understand the difference between a professional player and a normal player.  Nevermind, we’ll just be a punching bag for them to practice on. Hopefully we also have a big shot on our team!” Yi Qin somewhat optimistically said.

Yu Luocheng didn’t think so. Actually, it no longer mattered to him whether they won this ranked game or not. What he really cared now was winning at bot!

This round, Yi Qin played Caitlyn and Yu Luocheng chose Zyra.

Zyra as a support was popular for a while during season 2; this champion is a more well-rounded support.

Her skill had a poke ability, her seeds can be used as vision, and has a crowd control ability and ultimate at the same time.

Yu Luocheng liked to use this champion as support. She is very versatile. Usually if he could used “Grasping Roots” well, he could control two to three people. Followed by her ultimate “Stranglethorns”, the long time under crowd control effects was quite deadly to the enemy.

Yi Qin’s Caitlyn could work together with Zyra to limit the enemy’s movements.

That’s when Zyra used E “Grasping Roots” to tie the enemy down, Caitlyn could set up a Yordle Snap Trap behind the enemy. If they could work together with these two abilities, then the enemy’s support or ADC was basically dead since Zyra’s burst damage was far from weak.

As usual, they helped the jungler on their team take down the Crimson Raptor camp and red buff. Then they moved to their lane.

When they moved into lane, they were already missing a minion, and so they missed out on some experience.

When strong players played the game, sometimes the experience from one minion could be the deciding factor in a fight.

The enemy didn’t miss the experience, if things went as expected, they should be able to reach level two faster than them.

The other side was composed of Ezreal and Thresh.

Yu Luocheng had considered the fact that Thresh had a higher defensive ability, therefore, he chose Zyra who could deal magical damage. In terms of poke capabilities, Yu Luocheng might have some advantage over Thresh.

Certainly, there’s one thing he had to be careful for; he had to make sure to never be hooked by Thresh.

Whether Thresh hooked Caitlyn or Zyra, it would mean that they either had to either burn a Flash or hand over a life.

In terms of lineup, Caitlyn could suppress the shorter ranged Ezreal but Thresh could deal a death blow to both Caitlyn and Zyra.

In terms of poke, Yu Luocheng and Yi Qin had the advantage. In a fierce battle, if Yu Luocheng didn’t make any mistakes then they might be able to have a chance.

At the beginning, the ADC of both sides were calmly farming gold.

Yu Luocheng paid special attention to Qinguangwang’s basic playstyle and movement.

This guy moved without any pattern. Even when he was farming, he would stand at a position where he could respond quickly. He didn’t give Caitlyn the chance to touch him or Zyra to tie him up.

This shows a professional’s basic training.

Both sides calmly farmed while they were level one.

When the enemy reached level two, Ezreal started to move forward and at the same time, Yu found the Thresh, who was hiding in the brush, had also started to move!

They wanted to start a fight! !

When Ezreal reached level two, he would have a short burst of power which Caitlyn couldn’t match. Most importantly, Yu Luocheng and Yi Qin hadn’t reached level two yet because they were missing one minion’s worth of experience!

They couldn’t fight at this point!

“Yi Yi, back up a bit. They are going to attack.” Yu told Yi Qin right away.

Yi Qin had also sensed the incoming threat, she gave up a chance to last hit and moved Caitlyn to back behind the minion lane.
“You have to call me jie, say Yi Yi jie!” Yi Qin seriously said.

“Oh.” Yu Luocheng responded but both eyes were fixed on the computer screen.

At the moment, he was not at all in the mood to play around with Yi Qin. What he needed to do now was to make sure that he wouldn’t give the enemy any chance!


At a house which had been converted into a dormitory in Shanghai.

A good looking young man’s fingers were flying over the keyboard and mouse!

As a professional, even though the APM requirement is low for League of Legends, he still had to keep the agility of his fingers to make sure he could respond instantly at a crucial moment.

There was another man sat right next to this good looking man. The other guy was about 20 years old with dyed hair and seemed somewhat frivolous and undisciplined.

“These two on the other side have pretty good senses.” The young man with dyed yellow hair said.

“En.” Qinguangwang casually nodded.

When strong players faced off against each other, they could tell their opponent’s ability from the start.
Just now, the enemy Caitlyn and Zyra had back off wisely, otherwise they would had lost a lot of health or even their lives.

“Hey, you two. Why are you guys sneaking around, playing games” A voice questioned them from behind.

“Hehe, we are just playing around.” The yellow haired young man, who was playing Thresh, said.

“Really, you two. You shouldn’t bully those who are only at 2000. How many teams in our country could beat you two when you guys teamed up?” The man who was wearing a sports shirt said.

Qinguangwang and the yellow haired both laughed, but didn’t say anything.

Indeed, it was very hard to find any team that could beat these two combined. Even at ranked games for 2000, it was not unusual for them to bust the other side at bot within ten minutes.

“Try to finish it quickly. The couch is buying dinner, we can’t be late.” The guy said to them.

“Don’t worry. We will take care of it in 20 minutes.” The yellow haired said.

“What if the other side won’t surrender?” The guy said with a laugh.

Qinguangwang stared at the screen and calmly said, “Sometimes the other side doesn’t even have the chance to surrender when we play these kind of rounds……”

The guy certainly understood what he meant. He patted their shoulders then took a towel to go take a shower.

“What are Qinguangwang and Cuipanguan doing?” Another man’s voice could be heard coming from another room.

“They’re bullying little kids. They always like to do that.” The sports shirt guy said with a smile.

“Oh, then their opponents will be in tears.”

“Sometimes you can meet strong players in a ranked game.”

“Hehe, like you said, only sometimes……”

“Sometimes, you could be crushed! Then it’s better to delete this ID. Otherwise if a commentator just so happened to be online to record it and post it out, then you better not to touch League in this lifetime. It would be so shameful."

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