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Saturday, March 11, 2017

Undefeated - League of Legends - Book 1: Chapter 25

Book 1: The Return of the Lost King
Chapter 25: The Enkindled Fighting Spirit!

To play 2000 ranked, having jungler is a must.

Here I will explain in detail why a 2-1-2 line up isn’t reasonable and why there has to have a jungler.

We can just use top lane as example.

First it's a problem with gold.

There’s only one lane at top; no matter how hard the two players play for gold, there are only a limited amount of minions.

For those who have played LoL for some time should know that there is only one result when two players play for gold at the same time: both of them will lose economically!

Therefore, it makes more sense to have just one person getting cs, earning gold. It will guarantee that one person will earn all the gold in lane. (it’s the same at bot.)

Then there’s the experience problem.

One person will definitely gain experience faster alone than two people in the same lane.  Hence the single player will reach level 6 much quicker.

If your top is one person and the enemy has two.

Then as long as you don’t die or run too far away that you can’t gain experience (zoning), no matter how the enemy controls the minion lane, your level will be much higher than the two on the opposite side.

Besides, you have a jungler on your team. The jungler will eat up all the experience and gold in the jungle so his level will definitely be higher than the two on the opposite side, especially if they take both buffs in the beginning.

At that point, your team’s jungler can work with the top guy to gank the two guys opposing him. (Gank roughly means ambushing and killing the enemy.)

Your top player will have a higher level than the opposite side, or at least on the same level.

The jungler of your own team will be at a higher level than the opposing side.  At the early stage of the game when no one has gone back to base to buy items, you have two players who are higher leveled than the opposing team, with the added benefits of having buffs, then it will be a deadly blow to the two enemy champions!

Usually you will easily get a double kill!

So far we’ve only talked about top. The jungler can also go to other lane to increase the power of the other lanes and help his teammates build an advantage.

If your team doesn’t have a jungler then it would be harder to gain that kind of lead. Once you team gets busted, it will be like rolling a snowball.

There are a lot of details which I won’t go into. Anyway, a 2-1-1 lineup with a jungler is much better than a 2-1-2 lineup.

(Lately, I see a lot people still use a 2-1-2 lineup to play ranked, which isn’t a good strategy. Though I’m not writing about these game playing concepts, I feel it’s necessary to explain the reason for those who aren’t expert players of the game, which I think are the majority of our readers.)


“Welcome to League of Legends!”

“The enemy will arrive in 30 seconds, crush them!”

Usually Yu Luocheng would hear the digitial female voice saying these words in a cold and solemn voice.

But this time it wasn’t from the computer! !

Yu Luocheng’s beautiful partner, Yi Qin, used almost exactly the same tone of voice to say these words over the computer voice!

Instead of doing an imitation, it was more like the Riot Games was using her voice to do the voice dubbing for the beginning of LoL!

“Are you really not a voice actor?” Yu Luocheng said.

“Keep guessing.” Yi Qin wouldn’t admit it.

Yu Luocheng was about 70 to 80 percent sure now. He said, “then let’s video chat someday, I can tell just by looking at your face.”

“You’re trying to trick me!” Yi Qin laughed, she knew what Yu Luocheng was up to.

“Eh, the opposite side seems to know you. The SSS guy is saying hi to you.” Yu Luocheng saw the chat window.

Everyone’s message was in red on the chat window. Yu Luocheng firmly believe that when a player liked to talk once he was on top, he was basically a player who got carried away and the opponent's chance of turning the game around increase by thirty percent!

But a situation like this when you saw someone you knew and greeting each other…...was totally by chance.

“Xue jie, didn’t expect to meet you.”  The player SSS said.

“Hehe, what a coincidence. You play ADC, too. You know what to do?” Xue Yi Yi replied.

SSS quickly answered, “Sure. I will put my head under Xue jie’s gun voluntarily and make sure you are super strong!”

SSS was very funny; he was too frank and didn’t seem to be afraid of  being smashed by his teammates?

“The ADC of the opposite side is a girl?”

“Wow, I have never seen a girl with such a high elo.”

“Girl, are you at bot? I will go to your turret right now and give you my first blood!”

“Get lost, you perverts!”


Yu Luocheng was speechless as he watched the chat.

Other people would spend several months and with great difficulty to reach 2000. Some spent their living expenses to buy runes. And these guys simply would deliver their heads to a “girl”!

“You know this SSS in person?” Yu Luocheng asked.

“We have met a few times. Ai, we will lose this round.” Yi Qin sadly said.

“How can we lose? Aren’t they all going to give you their heads?” Yu Luocheng said.

“They are just teasing me. Who would believe them. We’ll be lucky if they don’t give us a hard time on purpose.” Yi Qin kept talking.

“This SSS was previously a DotA professional player, the main player of Team Hell. ID: Qinguangwang (秦广王). He switched to playing LoL professionally now. What bad luck to have them as our opponents. So annoying!”

Qinguangwang? ?

Yu Luocheng was stunned. He knew that ID very well! !

Chujiangwang, Songdiwang, Chuguanwang, Yanluowang, and this Qinguangwang were named after the kings of the first five levels of hell. The team they formed was the most famous one playing DotA.

They had earned numerous honors domestically and internationally. These five players would make their enemies tremble just from hearing their names!

Most importantly, at that regional final competition when Yu Luocheng was still a professional, this Team “Hell” happened to be his opponent at the final!

At that time, Yu’s team barely beat Team “Hell” and qualified to go to London for the international competition!

Though Team “Hell” lost to his own team at the time, Yu Luocheng knew very well that they were a group of respectful and fearsome opponents. He still felt the thrill when he recalled that battle!

The memory of that competition were replaying scene after scene like a movie in his head. He still remembered that Qinguangwang was a good looking 20 years old young man. Qinguangwang shook his hand after they lost the game and had given him a thumbs up!

Yu Luocheng knew it was a show of respect from him……

Qinguangwang switched to playing LoL now?

And he was right there as his opponent!

Yu Luocheng suddenly was fired up……

Yes, he had sworn not to touch esports again!

But as a passionate gamer, even though he was not playing professional esports anymore, he still couldn’t suppress his burning fighting spirit! !

It was like a master swordsman. Even he had given up his sword, when he encountered a famous master, he would automatically move his hand like holding a sword even though he was holding a head of cabbage in reality and crushed the cabbage into pieces!

“Qinguangwang…...nice…...really nice!” Yu Luocheng felt his fingers were already burning hot!

Even his fingers couldn’t wait to start the fight!

“What’s so nice about it. How could ordinary players like us compare with professionals. I only hope that we won’t lose too badly so I still have same face left……” Yi Qin unhappily said.

“How can it be! !” Yu Luocheng’s blood was already boiling!

This wasn’t DotA, it was LoL. Once we fought in DotA!

This time, we would compete in League of Legends!

Qinguangwang, bring it on! !

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