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Tuesday, March 14, 2017

1 Year Anniversary

Hello everyone!

Happy Anniversary!  It's Somesingman.

Sorry if things have been a bit weird about our new site and then the fact that it's stopped updating.  I've been ill twice in the past two months and school has been getting busy.  Hsi also got ill for like a week haha.

Anyhow, I'm still working on the move to a new site and will hopefully be finished soon.  In the meantime though since it's about 1 year since we started doing this, we'll be releasing a chapter of Tea of Summer every day this week.  It's also luckily spring break for me so I can recover and work on other stuff.

Hope you all have a good day!


  1. Happy anniversary.. <3 <3
    Can't wait to read more Tea of summer ..

  2. Happy anniversary :)
    Can't wait for another chapter of the Secret Room .
    Thanks for your hard work :)

  3. Happy 1st year Anniversary!^_^ Hope you're doing better now. Enjoy your spring break! Thanks a loy for updating I love this story and how you translate. <3 *fighting!*

  4. happy anniversary! *throw confetti*
    thanks for the entire year of hard and excellent works!

  5. Aaaaaaw pls do take care of yourself somesingman... if its one thing i know as i get older, health & happiness is the utmost of importance. To DHH Translations, happy anniversary, may every project u guys undertake go as smooth as silk <3

    And TQ TQ so much for the wave of updates to Tea Of Summer, its like i've struck lottery LOL.. i'm one of many who waits for wednesdays with bated breath :D
