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Saturday, January 28, 2017

Undefeated - League of Legends - Book 1: Chapter 19

Book 1: The Return of the Lost King
Chapter 19: Showstopper!

Yu Luocheng had added onto Yang Qian Qian’s QQ and game’s friend list last night.

He was still using his alternate id, at level 13, to play.

The thousand RMB they won last night, half of it was spent on their late night feast and the other half, 500RMB, was evenly split among the five teammates.

Yu Luocheng exchanged his share of 100 RMB into Q coins[1] and purchased the “The Chain Warden - Thresh.”

“Invite me.” Yang Qian Qian sent a QQ message with a naughty smiling face.

“Ok, let me purchase a champion.” He bought “Thresh” with his Q coins.

He had seen the champion on some foreign game videos; it had come out for some time now.  It was developed as a support character and he heard that it was a very fierce and perfect support.

When Yu played with his old partner Xue Yi Yi, they usually played at bot and him mostly as support.

Now this beauty liked to play ADC, Yu was thinking to himself: am I destined to be support to beautiful ADCs?

Then he had a second thought, compared to many players who partnered with some creepy guy ADCs, he felt much better that he was providing such a service to two beautiful girls.

Yang Qian Qian was at level 23, which wasn’t too bad, and she didn’t need Yu to teach her all the basics.

Yang also told him that actually she watched her brother play very often and would watch some game videos once in awhile.  Basically, girls at her level wouldn’t be a showstopper.

“Du ~ ~ ~ du ~ ~ ~”

While he was choosing his champion, Yang invited him to a voice chat on QQ.

Voice chatting?

Yu Luocheng hesitated for a while.

“Accept it!”  Yang Qian Qian’s voice came over on QQ.

“Oh, oh, ok.”  Yu had just purchased a microphone.  He was planning to use it first with his old partner Xue Yi Yi. Who knew Yang Qian Qian would come before her……

Nevermind, it was alright, just accept it.

“Can you hear me?” A soft voice came over.

“I can’t hear you.”  Yu Luocheng said offhandedly.

“Oh? Let me check my mic.”  There was some noise on the other side of the call.  As she was checking, she suddenly reacted in annoyance and said, “How dare you to trick me!”


Yang Qian Qian seemed to have a special attachment to “The Sheriff of Piltover - Caitlyn” and instantly chose her.

Yu Luocheng found some similarity between Yang and Caitlyn; they both had a pair of straight, white, long, and sexy legs!

Caitlyn wore a short dress, the leather straps on her thighs was especially eye catching.

Yu couldn’t help but imagine Yang in Caitlyn’s dress……

“Choose your champion, quick!” Yang was rushing him.

Yu came back to his senses and quickly chose “Thresh.”

Support wasn’t a popular position, no one would fight over this position.  

“Eh, isn’t this a new champion?”  Yang asked.


“You’ve played it before?”

“No, I want to try it.”  Yu answered.

“Are you familiar with his skills?”  

“I’m reading his skills right now……”

“......” Yang Qian Qian was speechless. She angrily spoke again after a long while, “You are so annoying.  I asked you to help me play and you are going to try a new champion.  At least play something you’re good at first!”

“Don’t worry.  Just play for fun.  You never know, maybe I’m very good at it?”  Yu hurriedly comforting her.

Yang Qian Qian probable was angry by now; she didn’t say anything for quite a while.  Finally she couldn’t help it but coldly say,



“Welcome to League of Legends!”

Thresh’s design wasn’t too bad; it was somewhat of a mixture between Ghost Rider and a Chinese judge of the underworld.

Thresh had a skeletal head wreathed in a pale green flame, wore a grey cloak, held a chain-sickle in hand, and spoke in a disembodied voice like a ghost……

TL: Well… he IS a ghost you know...

Every champion in LoL has its own peculiar aesthetic style.  The inspiration for each style comes from fantasies or myths from different countries or from characters in classic movies.  You can often recognize a familiar magical feature in many champions.

After studying for a while, Yu Luocheng concluded that Thresh’s design was really nice!

“What are you doing?”  Yang Qian Qian unhappily asked.  She had already moved her Caitlyn into lane, but discovered that Yu was still inside the spring.
“I haven’t gotten all the skills yet.  I’m still reading.”  Yu answered.

“I don’t want to talk to you anymore.”  Yang said.

“I’m coming. Be care for ambush from the bushes.”  Yu said.

“Hum, I’m not a little kid. I won’t go into the bushes for no reason.”

TL: Yeah you might find a wild Garen.


From just reading, he still hadn’t quite understood all the skills.  He had to use them a few times to fully understand how they worked.

Yu Luocheng bought some items and moved into lane.

The regular support items: one Faerie Charm, one Vision Ward, two Sight Wards, and one Health Potion.

When Yu got into lane, the minions were moving to the middle of bot.  Yang Qian Qian was smart enough not to go into the bush but just stayed put farming.

“Not bad, you know how to CS.” Yu praised her.

“I’m pretty good at it!” Yang laughed.

“Oh, yeah. What’s your average CS in ten minutes usually?” Yu asked.

“If there isn’t too much fighting, about 50 or 60.”  Yang answered.

“En, that’s pretty good.” Yu was satisfied and nodded.

It was unusual for Yang, who was at level 23, to have such a high CS ability.  At least, Zhong Xiaoyun didn’t even have the concept of CS.

“Just pretty good?”  Yang questioned.

“Oh, oh.” Yu Luocheng reacted and hurriedly complimented, “Your CS skill is very good already. I remember yesterday Zhong Xiaoyun could CS less than 40 in ten minutes.  You are much better than him!”

“That’s more like it.” Yang Qian Qian happily laughed.

Obviously, Yang was the type of person who gets annoyed easily but won’t hold grudges for long. After Yu’s compliment, she forgot about what had happened before and was all smiles again.

[1]: Q coins is a digital currency used by Tencent (creator of QQ and owner of Riot Games), and can be used to buy QQ related merchandise.

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