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Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Tea of Summer - Chapter 19 & 20: Autumn Tale 5.1 & 5.2

Chapter 19
Autumn Tale 5.1

Xia Liang did not sleep long before she opened her eyes in a daze.  She softly patted her cheeks soon after she woke up——really, how could she fall asleep just like this. ╮(╯_╰)╭

She habitually picked up her cup of coffee to drink, but was surprised to discover that the cup was still steaming hot.  She carefully took a sip, it was black tea.
Xia Liang put down the black tea and looked around, but did not see anyone she knew.  It was strange and she frowned------who would be so kind-hearted?  It couldn’t be that the coffee shop offered automatic refill services?  She calmed down and shook her head, then continued to study.
She had no time to consider the favor of a cup of tea before the impending Psychology exam.

She stayed in the library, studying until 5:30PM.  Xia Liang, finally, was satisfied and closed her notebook.  Finally she finished studying……At least, she should have no problem for tomorrow’s exam.
She was a little bit thirsty and wanted to take another sip, only to find that her black tea, which had come from an unknown source, was already empty.  She took her purse and cell to the coffee shop to buy some drinks.  While walking she thought about the plan for tonight.  Cici was going to some party tonight------It’s really something that she could go to a party during midterm week------So there wouldn’t be anybody at home.  It would be better to study the complete script of <Ting Yin Gu> at the library.  She could read the original novel all over again as well.  Then after she went home, she could begin preliminary recordings and send the samples over.
That sounded like a good plan.

After she walked a couple of steps, she unexpectedly saw someone.  Song Qiyan’s cap was set aside and next to his hand, there’s a cup with the logo of the coffee shop outside of the library.  Three people sat next to him.  They were discussing in low voices intermittently while their fingers jumped about on their laptops.  She could vaguely tell that they were working on some Word documents.
Though it was only a short glance, Song Qiyan looked up as if he had felt something.  He looked right at Xia Liang.  Xia Liang instantly felt as if she had been caught red-handedly; she smiled to him embarrassedly.

Song Qiyan tenderly looked at her and curled up his lips.  He picked up the black tea cup from the table, waved at her, then pointed to the direction of the coffee shop.
Xia Liang blinked her eyes------Was he asking her to buy a drink for him?

Song Qiyan’s action drew the attention of those who sat next to him.  They looked over, following the direction where Song was facing, and saw an Asian girl nodding to him, then walking towards the coffee shop with her purse in hand.
“Girlfriend?” the PhD student Mu Jian, also from China, who sat to his left poked his arm.  He teased him in a low voice, “Girlfriend?”
Song Qiyan slightly looked downwards and did not answer.  Receiving the cold shoulder, Mu Jian stopped bothering him.  He went back to writing the sections of the final report that was assigned to him.

Chapter 20
Autumn Tale 5.2

It’s almost dinner time.  There were still many students in the library and a long line stood outside of the coffee shop.  Xia Liang thought about the cup on Song Qiyan’s desk……
Could it be that he was the one who had bought that cup of black tea?
It couldn’t be……

The line in front of her was very long, she took out her cell.  She opened Weibo after she checked her messages on qq and WeChat.  She was surprised that she had a private message from a person marked with a big yellow V[1].  It was from “Bei Yan,” who was sitting not far from her currently.  The message was sent around 2pm in the afternoon.

His user profile was very brief; he had applied for the V at the urging of some good friends.  His profile only had a few words,  “voice actor, worked for audio drama <Fate>, game <Troubled Time> etc.”  People who followed him were mostly friends who had worked together in the same circle, there were only a few dozen of them.  But there were hundreds of thousands fans.  It was unusually huge for a voice actor.
Probably because she knew Song Qiyan in the real world now, she did not feel as distantly as she had before after she saw the ID “Bei Yan”.  She merely opened the private message, puzzled.

The message was very short.  There was only one sentence with 4 words: “Will you consider me?”

She was confused.  She looked back at his direction, but she only saw Song Qiyan focused on his report.  She was somewhat bewildered, but she didn’t keep thinking about it since she could ask him directly in a short while.  She switched to surfing Weibo.  Originally she was going to touch “Following”, but she touched “My Weibo” accidently.  The screen was refreshed and it displayed the Weibo messages she had posted before.
The very top one was exactly the one she posted in summer looking for a voice acting master or a CP[2].  The links to her voice audio clips were included.
The reply messages posted were all from her good friends.  They happily used the post as a message thread.  She accidentally touched open that Weibo post.  Then she checked the “Likes”.  There were 36 “Likes”.  The user picture of the last one was so familiar, it was very low key, entirely black.
She instantly widened her eyes.

Could it be……
Could it be?
Could it be! ! !
Could it be that he meant that she should consider him as her voice acting master or CP?  Xia Liang’s little heart was thumping and thumping.  Being in this voice over circle, she certainly knew what the name “Bei Yan” meant.  She knew very well that his account was only for business and his Weibo posts were basically all for promotions of his or friends’ works or greetings for special events.

Such a “god” like famous voice actor in this circle even extended to someone like her an…...invitation?
What did he mean by “consider” him?  Any normal people would jump immediately at it~~o(>_<)o ~~

But, being a Gemini, Xia Liang was torn again, did he mean to be her voice acting master or her CP? Oh……
It should be the former, as it should be.

[1]: The V on a weibo account is the same as the ‘verified’ check mark on Facebook and Twitter.

[2]: In Chinese, CP here can mean “couple” or “character partner.”


  1. It could also indirectly mean that he wants to go out with her haha. This novel's so sweet and simple. Thank you for the quality translations as always!

  2. I love it!
    I love how xia liang is so relatable and thinks like a normal girl. Doesnt jump to conclusion and is so relatable

  3. Does it really matter? Lol!! It's a yes to both questions hehehe

  4. The way he put it lol, anyone could misunderstand. He should learn to be more specific
