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Monday, January 9, 2017

Move to a New Site and Ads

Hello all!

Happy New Year!
It's been a little over (ninja edit) under a year since we've started and we have to say we've come quite a long way.  We've finished quite a few short stories and we're almost done with God's Left Hand (only one more chapter to go!).

We just wanted to announce two things:

First, we'll be moving our operations to another site that somesingman built to host our translated novels.  All future stories will be posted there starting next week (Saturday 14th, 2017), though we'll post the last chapter of God's Left Hand here as well.  This blog will also remain, though no new stories will be posted once we move over.

Second, you may notice that we now have google ads.  This is just so that we can earn a small bit for the translations we do and not be intrusive about it.  If anything

Thank you all for your support.

Best regards,
Team DHH Translations

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