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Saturday, November 26, 2016

Undefeated - League of Legends - Book 1: Chapter 10

Book 1: The Return of the Lost King
Chapter 10: Failed to Sneak Up, Got Killed Instead


“Boss is coming down to ambush them.”  Feng Xiaoqin, who controlled Graves, was back in his lane again.

This round, he had learned his lesson.  He stayed out of view from Blitzcrank and waited for Lin Xu’s Kha’Zix to get into position.

“No rush.  Wait till they get closer.”  Lin Xu directed.

Lin Xu’s Kha’Zix was hidden behind the wall under the triangle bush.  He held a Flash and waited for Blitzcrank and Miss Fortune to move closer.  He would Flash over then jump onto them!

Finally, the minion line rolled forward!

Lin Xu saw Miss Fortune had misstepped, instantly used Flash to go over the wall, and jumped towards Miss Fortune! !

At the same moment, Garen and Graves excitedly rushed towards Miss Fortune!

Two large men and an alien monster all greedily, spitefully aimed at that slender sexy body!

On the other side, Zhong Xiaoyun was stunned by Kha’Zix’s sudden appearance and didn’t even know what ability to use.

“Barrier, Flash, and fall back!”  Yu Luocheng said to Zhong Xiaoyun.
While he was talking, Yu Luocheng controlled his robot to quickly rush in front of Miss Fortune and used his ult to silence Kha’Zix, Graves, and Garen before they could use any ability.

A half second silence wasn’t that useful, but after using his ult, Yu Luocheng immediately used his E ability, Power Fist, to hit Graves away!

Though Yu Luocheng was able to keep Graves in control, Kha’Zix and Garen were both attacking Miss Fortune.  Zhong Xiaoyun’s wasn’t fast enough and didn’t have a chance to use Flash before Garen silenced him.  The two began to wail on her.

Fortunately, he used Barrier to ward off some of the damage and didn’t instantly die.

Miss Fortune hastily retreated; during those few seconds of being silenced, Kha’Zix and Garen chased after her and her health was dropping rapidly.

Finally, silence ended and Zhong Xiaoyun used Flash to run out of their attack range with just a few slivers of health.

It’s due to the fact that Yu Luocheng had delayed Graves such that he couldn’t use his abilities on Miss Fortune, otherwise, Miss Fortune would’ve died before silence had ended.

The onlookers behind them were all holding their breaths until Miss Fortune had run under the turret.

But, for protecting Miss Fortune, now the robot was under the attacks of three champions.

They failed to kill Miss Fortune, so they turned to kill Blitzcrank.  The three champions used all of their abilities on Yu Luocheng’s robot.  The robot used W ability, Overdrive, to run away, but even with his thick skin, his health had dropped just under a third.

“Just a little bit left, a little bit of health left! !”  The guys from room 3 yelled.

“He’s going to the turret, kill it! !”

“Garen use ult!”

“Not in range!”

“Graves didn’t hit anyone with his ult!”

Lin Xu glanced at his abilities and saw that all of them had already reset while Blitzcrank had only about one fourth of health left!

All of his abilities should be able to kill it!

Lin Xu clenched his teeth, moved Kha’Zix directly into the attack range of the turret, and used all of his abilities on Blitzcrank.

“Ong ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~”

Just as robot’s health was going to the bottom, suddenly a protective shield covered its body!

TL: Ah mana barrier, my good ole friend.  You know for all their talk, they really should all know what every character's abilities are by this point.

This shield saved Blitzcrank’s life just when it was about to be killed!

Lin Xu was dumbfounded; the robot had only a little bit health left and if he still had Ignite, he could kill the robot.

But a lot of times, it was the little bit of health that made the difference.  Lin Xu watched Blitzcrank run under the turret.

Lin Xu would very much like to continue the chase, but the robot ran away swiftly.  Lin Xu had just used Flash and now he couldn’t possibly catch up.

“Ding! ! Ding! ! !”  The damn sound signaled that the enemy turret was attacking him.

Lin Xu had to retreat.

He irritatedly clicked on the mouse to control Kha’Zix to move back and cursed, “******, only……”

Before he could finish the sentence, there appeared a claw behind him!

That’s right, it was that  yellow electrified mechanical flying claw!

The next moment, the claw pinched Kha’Zix’s wings with precision.

Then, the claw grabbed the blue alien and forced it under the turret!

“Ah hahahahahahaha ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~”

Miss Fortune showed off her dreadful power and swept with her cone-shaped attack, Kha’Zix’s health instantly dwindled from two thirds to zero!

Lin Xu was taken back; before he could get out of the turret’s attack range, the game had turned from color to black and white!

Miss Fortune was still shooting like she hadn’t had enough and continued laughing wildly.

The body of Kha’Zix miserably lied beneath her feet……


Lin Xu’s Kha’Zix was killed in seconds under the turret!

It’s a double whammy?

No, no, no, he obviously failed to sneak up and got killed instead!

“Wow, you can play like this! ! !”

Onlookers from both rooms 3 and 8 all gasped with amazement! ! !

It’s very lucky that Blitzcrank and Miss Fortune both survived, who would think there was such a surprising ending.

Kha’Zix went to bot looking for blood but got dragged under the turret and killed!

Blitzcrank had almost no health and no mana, Miss Fortune was in a similar state.  But the body under their feet indicated that they were the victors of this 2 vs 3 battle! !

“Holy crap! ! !”

“Cool, I’ve never seen such a cool grab! ! !”

A dying Blitzcrank killed a full health Kha’Zix, everyone couldn’t believe their eyes!

The image of the long claw was imprinted in everyone’s brain! !


Lin Xu widened his eyes, still seeing the image of being dragged back to turret!

How come he still had a grab? ?

How come his claw was so precise, how would the robot know that he was backing away in that direction? ?

Most importantly, how dare the robot grab him even with only a slim health left! !

Feng Xiaoqin and Xue Ben were dumbfounded; Graves and Garen, under their control, hovered near the turret and wanted to dive under the turret but was scared away by Miss Fortune’s ‘Bullet Time.”

Graves had the bad luck that he hadn’t caused any damage but had been hit by ‘Bullet Time’ and was down to half health!

Garen was in a better condition, but he dared not turret dive.  With the horrible golden robot standing there, even though the robot was low on health, Garen was still too scared to move up!

This was what presence was all about!

“You two useless guys, why didn’t you rush the turret with me! ! !”

“Look at it, you fed Miss Fortune so much that I got killed with you! ! ! !”

Lin Xu finally couldn’t control himself anymore and yelled!

He had thought that he could save bot, but now that he got killed too, he finally exploded!

Feng Xiaoqin and Xue Ben hid their heads like an ostrich in the sand.

They were sulking too.  Feng Xiaoqin murmured very quietly:  you got grabbed under the turret, can you blame us?

TL: Ohhhhhh burned.

“Boss, this robot is too good.  I don’t even know how to play now.”  Xue Ben said.

Whenever Xue Ben played Garen, he always dashed about. This was the first time that he didn’t even have the courage to show his face and couldn’t earn any experience.

“He ain’t strong at all!  Wait till I kill it!”  Lin Xu said.

Lin Xu watched his master play often and had seen many skilled Blitzcranks.  He believed that the robot of room 8 was just having a string of good luck and probably didn’t even know a thing about ranked matches.

That grab was just because he had a very good luck.

Lin Xu still felt that grab was actually quite stupid.  If Kha’Zix had used his ability “Void Spike,” that would have been enough to take care of the two who had very little health!


If Yu Luocheng knew what Lin Xu was thinking, he could only chuckle.

You thought I couldn’t count your ability’s cool down?


TL: It’s a bit vague here, but I assume he meant that Kha’Zix’s abilities were still on cooldown when he got pulled under the turret.  So Kha’Zix couldn’t use his W ability to kill the two.

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