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Saturday, November 19, 2016

Undefeated - League of Legends - Book 1: Chapter 9

Book 1: The Return of the Lost King
Chapter 9: I Said I’ll Bust Bot and I Will!


While fighting at bot, one has to watch out for the minions carefully and remember what abilities the enemy has used.

Considering Zhong Xiaoyun’s skill level, Yu Luocheng didn’t move in until Graves had used his important Q ability.  

To ensure that there was a hundred percent chance for a kill, Yu Luocheng used Flash to move directly across the minion line!

The golden robot towered over Graves in the next instance.  A shocked Graves hastily moved back to get away.

Feng Xiaoqin obviously was too shocked to think. The more he retreated backwards, the more advantageous it was for Yu Luocheng!

Blitzcrank used its Q ability, Rocket Grab, to pull Graves over!

At this angle, Yu Luocheng was confident that the probability for Graves to get away was very slim!

Certainly, if Graves had a cool head, he should have moved left or right instead of backing up.  How could he outrun the speed of Blitzcrank’s hook?

Graves was pulled to the robot for the third time.  In order to stop Graves from using his E ability, “Quickdraw”, Yu Luocheng directly used his Ult and silenced Graves for 0.5 seconds.  Then he used the mechanical iron fist to hit Graves into the sky.

Zhong Xiaoyun reacted quickly following Yu Luocheng’s words and used Miss Fortune’s frightful Ult “Bullet Time” right from the start!
“Ah hahahahaha ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~”

Amidst the wild, seductive laughing of Miss Fortune, the highly damaging, cone-shaped attack covered the area.

Yu Luocheng’s robot had already cut off half of Graves’ health just with one ability, the Bullet Time followed and Graves’ health rapidly dropped to the bottom; in just two seconds, Graves died!

Garen finally showed up and a big sword fell onto Miss Fortune, the silence from “Decisive Strike” cut short Miss Fortune’s ultimate.

Unfortunately, his good friend, Graves, had already died!

Garen’s next attack would be more powerful and along with the damage from the attacking minions, Yu Luocheng figured that if Garen used Ignite on Miss Fortune, she would be killed by Garen’s Ult ‘Demacian Justice.“

Yu Luocheng decisively casted Exhaust on Garen to weaken Garen’s movement speed and attack speed.

Yu Luocheng’s robot followed Garen closely to inflict normal attacks until the cooldown on its E ability ‘Power Fist’ ended, then the robot sent him flying into the sky too.

Garen’s body sprang up as if he had been electrified.  Miss Fortune followed with her guns and Garen only had half his health left.

However, the Garen of the other side was smarter than most of the others; he didn’t simply run away.

He used Ignite on Miss Fortune without hesitation, and right after he used Q “Decisive Strike” a second time, Garen rushed forward preparing to use his ‘Demacian Justice’ on Miss Fortune! !

Miss Fortune had only one third of her health left and still had Ignite on her, Garen’s sword would surely kill her!

Zhong Xiaoyun seemed unaware of his dwindling health, simply stood there and continuously attacking Garen.

“Drop dead! !”  Xue Ben, who controlled Garen, yelled.

He definitely could eliminate Miss Fortune.  Xue Ben was very sure of it.

Yu Luocheng laughed coldly; Rocket Grab’s cool down just ended!

Garen had already reached the distance to use his Ult, just as he raised both of his arms, a yellow flying claw came from behind him! !

The claw caught the cape on the back of Garen and dragged him away from Miss Fortune!

Brat, you want to kill Miss Fortune? You have to get over Blitzcrank’s flying claw first!

Garen was abruptly pulled back and Miss Fortune took the advantage to pelt him with bullets.  Because she had one more level than Garen, her damage was higher and before long Garen was crippled.

Garen didn’t relent and continued to rush forward, but he fell before reaching Miss Fortune.

“Oh no!!”  Garen screamed and didn’t have a chance to use his Ult, the big golden sword after all.


Two kills! ! !

Miss Fortune is the champion in LoL who has an aura of a queen.  At this moment, she held her two guns and snobbishly stepped on the bodies of Garen and Graves.  She happily declared, “It does feel good doing this!”

Miss Fortune meant the sensation of violently killing the enemies! !

Another two heads and more than 500 gold. Even Zhong Xiaoyun, staring at the screen, couldn’t believe it himself!

Oh, double kills! !

Last week it was the other side that kept getting double kills, now it was their turn.  It’s hard to describe such an elated sensation.  Zhong Xiaoyun felt that his hands were trembling! !

“Another two heads! !”

“Wow, bot Zhong Xiaoyun and Yu Luocheng flattened the other side! !”  Xiaomei cheered happily and couldn’t wait to kiss their cheeks.

“I thought room 3’s ADC and support were very strong, it turned out they were just two lousy bastards.  They’ve died 4 times now! !”

“Yeah, yeah, who the hell was boasting in front of us last week.”

This double kill had encouraged the guys from room 8.  The head counts was now 4 to 2 and all the kill had been taken by Miss Fortune!

Miss Fortune is the frightful queen of high explosions, high damage, and group damage.  At the beginning of this match, she already had 4 kills and it definitely was a great advantage to their side!

“Heh, heh, it’s mainly due to Luocheng’s good hooks.”  Zhong Xiaoyun heard all the praise and felt a bit embarrassed.

“Yu Luocheng, you fooled all of us!”

“If we knew you were this good, we would’ve asked you to come last week so room 3 wouldn’t have so much hot air!”

Yu Luocheng smiled solemnly; I said I would bust them, so I had to bust them!


All the talk made Feng Xiaoqin and Xue Ben very unhappy.

What about busting their bot?  What about the 20 kills?

Feng Xiaoqin and Xue Ben felt so ashamed since the Miss Fortune of the other side was obviously quite lousy but she ended up taking 4 kills in less than 10 minutes!

“You two play more craftily.  Wait for my support.”  Lin Xu said to Feng Xiaoqin and Xue Ben.

Lin Xu truly didn’t expect their bot would collapse so quickly; he wanted to explode but tried to calm himself down.

“The two turtles on top!”  Lin Xu scolded.

There were several times that Lin Xu wanted to go up to top and get some kills, but those two were so cowardly that he couldn’t find a good chance to do it.

He took a look at bot, Lin Xu really planned to go to bot to help this time.  If he didn’t do anything, then bot would really be destroyed.

Lin Xu didn’t care to lose that thousand RMB, but he had talked big before plus he had assured Yang Qianqian that they would win, if he lost to the rabble of room 8, he would really lose face.

Most importantly, he would lose the great chance to play the game with Yang Qianqian so they could get closer! !

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