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Saturday, October 22, 2016

Undefeated - League of Legends - Book 1: Chapter 5

Book 1: The Return of the Lost King
Chapter 5: You Two Play Solo Top


“Let’s start, let’s start. I’m tired of waiting!” Lin Xu of room 3 said.

Lin Xu seemed to hold some influence in the internet cafe. This table, with five computers facing the other five, was reserved just for them. All ten computers were flashing with the solemn, metallic dark blue color of the front page of League of Legends.

Usually everyone was facing boring textbooks, but after seeing the screens, their eyes were all shining bright!

“Yu Luocheng, you sit next to Zhong Xiaoyun.” Wang Qin pointed to the empty chair next to Zhong Xiaoyun.

Wang Qin sat in the middle, it looked like he was playing mid.

To Wang Qin’s right hand side sat Cao Sheng and Zhao Kesong, while Yu Luocheng and Zhong Xiaoyun sat to his left so obviously they must be playing bot.

Behind these five, there were many of their buddies who usually hung out at internet cafe. They were here to give support. There were about 7 or 8 of them; one of them was a girl.

“Wipe them out!” Room 8’s vice president, Huang Yu, said.
“Yeah, we lost to them in basketball. Can’t lose to them in LoL. Otherwise, we can’t even raise our heads in front of those guys from room 3.” The captain of the class basketball team said.

“If you guys win, I’ll reward you with a kiss each!” Xiao Mei said smilingly.

“Ah, go away Yu Luocheng. Let me play.”

“Get lost. You’re not even level 10 yet. How can you play.”

Wang Qin took off his earphones and turned around to speak to all the cheerleaders, “Don’t worry, we won’t lose.”

As he was saying that, everyone signed onto their accounts, and entered Telecom’s server Steel Burning Sun (钢铁烈阳 gang tie lie yang).

Lin Xu had chosen to create custom game.

Custom games are different from normal PvP games. Custom games are usually used for infights, friends against friends. PvP games involve randomly looking for opponents on the internet.

Wang Qin’s ID really was: Animal

Zhong Xiaoyun was simply: Yun

Zhao Kesong’s was: I’m Cocky

Cao Sheng: I’m the Boss

Yu Luocheng’s ID: Qiong Sou Ma Die (穹嗖码跌)

He had randomly entered this ID, just because it’s hard to pronounce.

Yu Luocheng’s main account, which was at an elo of 2000, was with the Netcom server Freljord. This one with Steel Burning Sun was his alternate ID; he used it to help power level an old friend and so was at a low level.

“Oh no, you are only at level 13. My partner Sun Yang was already at level 24. Looks like our bot will be crushed again this time.” Zhong Xiaoyun glanced at Yu Luocheng’s account and was very disappointed.

Last time when they fought against room 3, Zhong Xiaoyun teamed up with Sun Yang and was beaten so badly. This time he’s going to team up with a level 13 to play bot, was it possible to survive?

“Yu Luocheng is only three level higher than I. Maybe let me play?” Wang Tao wanted to try and show off very much.

Wang Qin looked at Yu Luocheng and said, “Buddy, is it ok?”

“Don’t worry.” Yu Luocheng showed him an arrogant smile.

Nowadays, when you are bluffing, you have to pretend to the fullest extent! !

With the skill he had, he had to pretend that he was the same level as them.

Soon, game invitations were sent over. Lin Xu added Yu Luocheng to his friend list and brought Yu into the custom game lobby.

After entering the lobby, Yu saw the five IDs of the opposite side all started with the character ‘Mad’ (狂, kuang).

Yu Luocheng didn’t feel they were so mad but rather quite vulgar.

Everyone on the opposite side was level 25 and above. One of them, ‘Mad Whole Life’, was level 29, almost at the level cap of 30.

On their own side, only Wang Qin was level 26 among the five. The rest were level 21, level 22, and then there’s his own eye-catching level 13! !

“They really can’t find a replacement, having a lousy level 13 to make up the spot. We in bot are in for a treat.” Feng Xiaoqin of room 8, sat across, bursted out laughing.

“I figure we’ll kill them so much, they won’t be worth much gold at all.”

Lin Xu quite happily spoke. “No matter, we will divide the money based on how many kills. If you can kill them over twenty times, then the thousand is basically yours.”

“That’s good motivation. I was planning on using just any champion on them since they are so weak, but now I’m going to use my very best champion!” Ma Xiaoqing with his raucous voice said with some excitement.

Hearing the ridicule from the other side plus the fact that they had a level 13, everyone looked grave. Finally, Wang Qin yelled, “Stop murmuring. Let’s start now. We will beat the pants off them!”

Lin Xu clicked start and all the computers showed the LoL screen.

“What’s the other side best at, ban it first so it’ll be more favorable to us.” Yu Luocheng said.

“What’s a ban?” Zhong Xiaoyun asked confusingly.

Yu Luocheng just casually mentioned it and found out that everybody was looking at him strangely.

He took a look at the screen of character selecting and felt a sudden chill.

It was set to ‘blind pick’; in this mode, one selects one’s own champion and can’t see the other side’s line up. There was no banning of champions, either.

Alright, Yu Luocheng comforted himself that he had overestimated them, so be it.

“Which champion are you going to play?” Wang Qin turned around to ask.

“Robot. I only purchased this champion on this account.” Yu Luocheng answered.

“En, robot has deterrent power.” Wang Qin nodded.

Zhong Xiaoyun, with a sad face, complained mildly. “Last time Sun Yang also used robot and we in bot got smashed……”

Yu Luocheng didn’t bother with Zhong Xiaoyun’s complaint, but checked the line up of their own side.

The champion Wang Qin chose was ‘Annie the Dark Child’.

Despite the fact that Annie is a pink, sexy little lolita, this lolita is quite fierce. She is called the little queen of instant kills and is a mage with very high explosive power.
[TL: he definitely has a lolita fetish…”]

Hum, he didn’t know that Wang Qin, a rowdy person, turned out to be a loli fan.

The champion Zhong Xiaoyun chose was ‘Miss Fortune the Bounty Hunter’, nicknamed ‘Miss Good Fortune’ and ‘Gun Woman’.

She is a mature seductive woman. Her catchphrase is always coquettish. She will say to you in a teasing and tingling tone, “Sure you can handle me, summoner?”

Gun Woman is an ADC type of champion. Among all the ADC type of champions, Gun Woman’s ability to afflict damage is ranked at the top, especially her level 6 ultimate ‘Bullet Time’. During battles, often when she has a fit of wild laughter, it is the time the enemy encounters their bad luck. It was a perfect example of the phrase to ‘scurry off like rats’, ignominiously!

Zhao Kesong chose a well known champion ‘Garen the Might of Demacia.’
[TL: Dude they can’t possibly lose. Just press ‘E’ to win.]

Garen is the face of LoL. Even though you won’t see him very much in higher level games, but at the lower level ones, Garen is a god-like champion.

There’s no need to introduce him anymore since almost everyone knows his abilities.

Cao Sheng chose ‘Master Yi the Wuju Bladesman’, nicknames ‘Master Yi’, ‘Bladesman’.

Bladesman could be played either as a mage or AD, and usually has two ways of fighting.

Mage Bladesman takes a higher level of skill to play, yet AD Bladesman usually appears in lower level games. It has another nickname ‘King of Noobs’; it shows up in almost all battles in level 10 or lower.

That’s their champion lineup. In the eyes of Yu Luocheng, this was an extremely lousy lineup but they probably didn’t know how to play the other championes, either.

“Is Bladesman playing jungle? Why don’t you bring smite?” Yu Luocheng reminded Cao Sheng.

“Jungle? What Jungle?” Cao Sheng asked quite confused.

“Oh, Jungle is responsible for collecting CP, but better not to play Jungle. I won’t be able to take it since I have to fight against two on top.” Zhao Kesong hurriedly replied.

Alright, this was a lower level 212 lineup; Yu Luocheng was starting to roll his eyes.

Even though this was a lower level game, but Yu Luocheng couldn’t understand how a 212 lineup would become what Wang Qin referred to in the class as ‘solo top’?

Isn’t this what often happens in a lower level game--- ---you two play solo top?


  1. Lol they are so low level they don't even understand that his questions are more advanced lol

    also, good old AP yi from before lul

  2. when i saw that ap yi mentioned i had a brain trauma the fucker was so stupid to be against AND NO HES NOT HARD TO PLAy press Q(alpha strike) they all dead
