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Saturday, October 15, 2016

Undefeated - League of Legends - Book 1: Chapter 4

Book 1: The Return of the Lost King
Chapter 4:  The Beauty Knows Me


Yu Luocheng walked out of the house onto the noisy street.

Unfortunately, he saw two familiar faces walking towards him.

A mother and a student.  The student had his head bent down and was being scolded by his mother along the way as if he had committed a crime.  The student did not dare talk back and just kept walking with head held low.

Yu Luocheng knew the student, he’s Sun Yang, the person who was supposed to play support.  Just like what Wang Qin had said he’d been taken home by his mother.

“You no good brat.  Who only knows how to play all day!”
“Is the internet cafe someplace you have the time to hangout at?  Don’t you know how much money your dad and I have spent to support you and your sister to go to school?  You think money is something you just pick up off the street?  What about you?  Wasting money on playing games.”

“Alright, you want to play games, right.  Wait till I tell your dad, he’ll break your legs for sure!!”

The slightly overweight middle aged woman kept scolding him; her voice could be heard from half a block away.  Sun Yang, keeping his head low, felt like a thief that had been caught red-handed and didn’t even see Yu Luocheng pass by him.

Yu Luocheng could only pretend not to see him either while listening to the reprimands of Sun Yang’s mom.

Not many parents in this world can understand esports. They can’t comprehend anything that has nothing to do with studying.

He walked past the street and several darkish alleys, the bright neon lights of Long Sheng Internet Cafe appeared right in front of him, a light at the end of the tunnel.

From the staircase, he could hear the sounds of people hitting the mouse or the shoulder, intermixed with rock and metal music and the excited shouts from some of the players.

When he arrived at the second floor, the air was somewhat fresh.

Long Sheng Internet Cafe was a place that followed rules more strictly than others; it had smoking and nonsmoking areas.

Smoking area was where adults and hooligans hung out, the nonsmoking area mostly students, women, decent people and people pretending to be decent……

Internet cafes always have a crowd of different kinds of people.  In earlier days, Yu Luocheng had passed many boring nights at the internet cafe since there’s no computer at home.

When he was in elementary school and junior high, the internet cafe wasn’t strict about age limits and his parents were busy with work.  He was left alone at home and he began to enjoy going to places like internet cafes where there was always people.

He didn’t have much spending money when he was younger to play games.  He would stand behind other people quietly and watch and learn how they played.

Certainly there were many occasions when he saw others make stupid moves, he wanted to push that person aside and take control of the character in the game to blast everyone!

He arrived at the nonsmoking area, the air was much fresher there and one seldom saw any teens with dyed hair, disgusting middle aged men, or wild teenage girls with nose rings there.  Sometimes he was lucky, he would encounter a couple of good looking girls.

“Who are you calling a coward! ! !”  Suddenly there came a shout.

“I’m calling the person who’s acting cowardly a coward.  You can just come out and say you can’t afford to lose.  Why drag this on!”  Another somewhat feminine boy’s voice could be heard.

“I can’t afford to lose!  Bullshit.  Even 4 vs 5, we can still brutally beat up you guys like beating up dogs!”  Wang Qin shouted with his rough voice.

“Ha, 4 vs 5?  Don’t you know who lost like dogs last week?  Lost in less than 30 minutes, no less. If it’s a 4 vs 5, you guys will hide inside spawn after ten minutes and dare not to come out!”  That feminine voice laughed.  There were several others next to him who laughed along with him.

Both sides continued with a war of words.

Room 3 and room 8 were sworn enemies. They went head to head since the 11th grade at  school sports meets, basketball games, and soccer games; the animosity went very deep.

Now the feud had spreaded to LoL.  In the eyes of students, esports had the same status as a regular sports competition.  Playing esports could show the same masculine power!

“Quiet, all of you!”  Suddenly, there came a crispy sound.

The voice wasn’t loud, but it easily held sway over the room.  All the boys shut their mouths.  It seemed they were all concerned that they would leave a bad impression in front of the owner of this voice.

“Heh, heh.  Qian Qian, you saw the battle last time, too.  They are totally not my equal.  Tomorrow is Sunday, I’ll show you how to play.  I guarantee a 100% victory rate!”  Lin Xu of room 3 spoke smiling wholeheartedly.

Lin Xu had a pale and clean face. But his eyes were not clean at all.  When he looks at you, you could always feel that those eyes were either condescending or disgusted.  Only when he looked at Yang Qian Qian, those eyes were so very honest and friendly!

Yang Qian Qian’s fame for her beauty was well known in the senior class.  She’s sexy, gracious, and energetic.  She’s into a lot of things and liked to play many boys’ games.  Lately, she got hooked on LoL.

After the news came out, many good players in the senior class fought for her attention.  Some even stayed up the whole night at internet cafe to practice diligently for Yang Qian Qian so they might be able to get close to her.

Alas, if there’s a beauty who played a man’s game, then she would be much more attractive and fascinating than a beauty in other areas.

Girls, this is the truth!

Which otaku wouldn’t like to have a girlfriend who could play video games with him shirtless, especially a girlfriend with a hot body and awesome face?

No, if there’s someone like that, then she’s not a girl but a goddess! !

“Since you’re missing one, I’ll play support.  It’s just a match.”  Yang Qian Qian casually said as she glanced at all the boys who looked as if they had eaten explosives.

“That won’t do!”  Both Wang Qin and Lin Xu were unwilling to agree.

They had bet money on this without her knowledge.

Besides, if they let Yang Qian Qian play support, then the match would lose its meaning.  This match was where the beauty came first, to beat down the other side was second.

“Hey, everyone, I’m here.”  Yu Luocheng felt that it was time for him to show his face.

Wang Qin, Zhong Xiaoyu, Zhao Kesong, Cao Sheng all turned around.  Yang Qian Qian was standing with the guys of room 8 and her pretty big eyes also looked over and curiously sized up Yu Luocheng.

“Man, you’re finally here.  What do you want to drink, I’ll get it for you.  I’ll buy it.”  Wang Qin said emotionally.

“Coke.”  Yu Luocheng said bluntly.

“Ok.”  Wang Qin took a bottle of coke over while speaking.

“I haven’t seen him before.  Is he some sort of last minute outside help?”  Nie Peng of room 3 pointed at Yu Luocheng and said.

Yu Luocheng transferred to room 8 in his senior year and he usually didn’t interact with people from other rooms.  It’s only natural that the people of room 3 didn’t know him.

“He’s from room 8.”  It was Yang Qian Qian who spoke with a very positive tone.

“How do you know he’s from room 8?  Actually, even if he’s outside help, it doesn’t really matter.  These four are lame ducks.  Except for their loud voices, they don’t amount to anything.”  Lin Xu said pretending like he didn’t really care.

Yu Luocheng was wondering himself how could Yang Qian Qian be sure he’s from room 8.

Except sometimes he would sneak a peek at her beautiful legs when he hung out with Wang Qin and others, he didn’t remember ever exchanging any words with her.  This goddess in the eyes of all the seniors had no reason to know this face of his.

Unless, she had seen his inner qualities and charms through his ordinary face.

Right, there’s a saying that some men, no matter how dispirited and how concealed, their special qualities and desolation would always intentionally or otherwise show through their eyes.  These innate charms would sooner or later be catched by some discerning women.  Like the fireflies on the darkest of nights, it’s so vibrant, so outstanding…...  
(TL: Keep dreaming man...)

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